STAB stabilizer
Ce site vous permettra de consulter les évolutions des immatriculations et radiations des entreprises en France sous divers angles. SO standing orders
YD floating crane (non self-propelled)(misc)
POL petroleum, oil, and lubricant
SQL standard query language
IRP intermediate rated power (30 minutes)
RCS radar cross section
ID interface diagram
SL shelf life
NRZ non-return-to-zero
NAC naval administrative command
MEPS modification engineering program status
CNIU communication/navigation interface unit
PMS planned maintenance system
TWCS through water communications system
EL engineering laboratory
SS attack submarine (conventional powered)
BEST base engineering support, technical
BUPERS bureau of naval personnel
MMH maintenance manhours
VLAD deep passive sonobuoy
MARS multiple artillery rocket system
R/M reliability and maintainability
V/STOL vertical/short takeoff and landing
CAIS-A common apse interface set - revision a
YFRN refrigerated covered lighter (non selfpropelled)
SEAS surveillance environ acoustic supp
CCBD config control board directive
FSR field service representative
What does ECM mean? SMD ship manpower document
SFGL name of french software company
MEDEVAC aeromedical evacuation
NAVDAF navy data automation facilities
CFCTS contract flight crew training system
FAT final acceptance trial
MGT measured gas temperature
POSN position
VX best angle of climb speed
PMC part mission capable
GPI government preliminary inspection
IUH instructor utilization handbook
OSIP operational safety & improvement program
GPTE general purpose test equipment
UJT unijunction transistor
OEI one engine inoperative
FADLIM fadec on limit
PSIG pounds per square inch gauge
ACN advance change notice
PPI planned position indicator
NSA national security agency
THR thrust
FFIBR fuel filter impending bypass, right engine
SPMS software process management system
CRO cognizant regional office
GMT greenwich mean time
Fast-start Finance (FSF) At COP 15 in Copenhagen in 2009, developed countries pledged to provide new and additional resources, including forestry and investments, approaching USD 30 billion for the period 2010 - 2012 and with balanced allocation between mitigation and adaptation. ISP interim support period
ERA entity-relation-attribute
O/I outboard/inboard
QDMAL qdma left
CDIL cumulative damage index left engine
STR software trouble report
PSMD preliminary ship manpower document
RCM reliability centered maintenance
PFM precision flight mode
INSURV board of inspection and survey
BYTE combined bits of digital computer information (8,16,32), C high level programming language
NG gas turbine speed (rpm)
CAAS contractor assistance and advisory service
MDU multiplexer and distribution unit
SDR software design review
CCA critical characteristics audit
TCP/IP transmission control protocol/internet protocol
TWG technical working group
STEP spec to executable program;
ICAO international civil aviation organization
RDR CTRL radar control
FFR forward firing rocket, chaff head (mk-84)
SDRL supplier data requirement list
STACS a-6e
DEC digital equipment corporation
SLWT side loading warping tug (landing craft)
FL foot-lambert
PO ambient pressure
LCN logistic support analysis control number
IAW in accordance with
ACTR actuator
COE government owned equipment
TEMPEST interference control technology for radiated or conducted
SGML standard generalized markup language
ECN engineering change notice
VOC volts open circuit
WCA warning/caution/advisory
LP low pressure
TMCR technical manual contract requirement
ND nose down
CFE contractor furnished equipment
APB self-propelled barracks ship (misc)
AMRAAM advanced medium range air-to-air missile
TDR time domaine reflectometer
VERT vertical
RAC request for authority to contract
COMPASS computer alerted surveillance system
TCCB trainer change control board
HNG hanging
PDP power distribution system
NUD non-update
EEE (E3) electromagnetic environment effects
CAR configuration audit review
VS vertical speed
TD technical director
REC receiver
DARPA defense advanced research projects agency
PQAP planned quality assurance program
LWT amphibious warping tug (landing craft)
TWT traveling wave tube, UART universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
CPTR computer program test report
FCI functional configuration identification
FS fraction of savings
Browse through the acronym list letter by letter or use the DEU display electronics unit
FOTM functionally oriented technical manual
ED engineering development
TE training equipment (device)
DOGF watchdog timer failure
VID vertical indication display
TCB target control system bulletin (tdc 78)
PAX patuxent river
EIOP extended input/output processor
PW pulse width
GUID guidance
BIT built-in test
ACMT automated configuration management tool
YF covered lighter (self-propelled)
PFBIT pre-flight built-in test
CIC combat information center
POC point of contact
EGCS environmental generation & control system
DICASS directional command activated sonobouy system
NAVPRO naval plant representative office
MRAD milliradians
ESGN electrically suspended gyro navigator (an/wsn-3(v))
PPD program package document
DAU data acquisition unit
FAT file access table
ISPE improved sonar processing equipment (ssbn)
COMM communication
HCI hardness critical item
ACTS air combat training systems (pmtrade)
RTR receiver-transmitter
MEESTO modification engineering evaluation & sub-task order (4720/15)
RDGT reliability development growth test
ACSIT aegis combat system interactive trainer
BWRD backward
ACAS application control architecture services
FSD full scale development
MCAF marine corps air facility
MILSPEC military specification
SCP software change proposal
IHADSS integrated helmet and display sighting system
EIA electronic industries association
FM/GS fuel management/gauging system
ITSS integrated tactical surveillance system
Looking for the definition of IFI? ALT altimeter
GOE government owned equipment
SSFC solid state frequency changer
RFT ready for training (operational milestone)
DDN design decision notice
QL quick look
CCSDSP closed circuit saturation diving system
IN nacelle angle
ECCM electronic counter-countermeasures
T2 compressor inlet temperature
FMS fault management system
AFCS automatic flight control system
TRI-TAC program
SWP space, weight and power
NUWC naval underwater warfare center (formerly triccsma)
IV&V independent verification and validation
LIN liquid nitrogen
EPAD entry pad
NRL navy research laboratories
YON fuel oil barge (non self-propelled)(lighter)
We would like to show you a description here but the site wonât allow us. EOF end of file
FDIGBR fault diagnostics, channel b, right engine
TFU turret flir unit
FRAMP fleet replacement aviation maintenance
NOTAP navy occupational task analysis program
RLMS radar landmass simulator
CRPL creeping lines
DM data management
CV aircraft carrier
NMCMS not mission capable maintenance scheduled
NIST national institute of standards & technology
NAVSUPFAC naval supply facility
BAUD characters xmitted/sec serially from a computer holding reg
LATAGS laser tactical air gunnery system
TF terrain following
MTBR mean time between repair
AGR air to ground ranging
TAC total accumulated cyclestmttactical air control/command
DSB defense science board
SAMT simulated aircraft maintenance trainer
FRS fleet readiness squadron
GRD guard
STE special test equipment
OICC officer in charge of construction
ROE rules of engagement
MAC mean aerodynamic center
EOT engineering/operations trainer
SYS system
INCOMPLT incomplete
NTS naval training station
UUT unit under test, V&V verification and validation
RTSP II real time signal processor
CLAW control law computations
CGO cargo
JSRB joint software review board
VA maneuvering speed
CHAN channel
CRC contractor recommended coding
PDE projected operational environment
FWD forward
STA station
MFR multifunction radar
O&SHA operating and support hazard analysis
WFOV wide field of view
NCAB navy contract adjustment board
LSAR logistics support analysis record
NIPC nacelle ice protector controller
RVDT rotary variable differential transformer (transducer)
SPO systems program office
ACE acquisition career enhancement
PPCO provisioning principal contracting office
MS milestone
DOD department of defense
AATR air-to-air transmit/receive mode
Get ECM : Definition and Meaning. MPD multipurpose display
SECAS ship equipment configuration accounting system
CSTIRS "c" school training input requirements system
MOSFET metal oxide semiconductor-field effect transistor
SQEP software quality evaluation plan
PMA program manager air
LONG longitude
VOR/ILS/MB vhf omni range/instrument landing system/marker beacon
I/O input/ouput
TACC tatical air control center
ITF integration test folder
B/U backup
ADPA american defense preparedness association
ELF communications system
YFNX lighter (special purpose)(non self-propelled)
SQMB senior quality management board
YFRT covered lighter (range tender) (self-propelled) (misc)
CHAFFROC chaff dispensing rocket
WF POS fuel flow (metering valve) position
VIDS/MAF visual information display system/maintenance action form
PHIGS programmer's hierachical interactive graphics system (iso)
FRD facilities requirements document
TAT turnaround time
CLTE cost and lead time estimate
NEC nippon electric company
XFREQ transmit frequency
CDWG controls and displays working group
JTSS jvx (v-22) test support software
SDRD supportability design requirements document
I/O inboard/outboard
YFU harbor utility craft (self propelled)(lighter)
MCM mine countermeasures ship
CIC central integrated checkout
VIB vast interface bulletin (tdc 88)
PMAL pma ac voltage left
SEL select
Get ECM : Definition and Meaning. PMG permanent magnet generator
ADS automated data system
SECVOX secure voice (comm)
COR contracting officers representative
DMA depot maintenance activity
IUS interim (inertial) upper stage
UDATS diver underwater tv system
AG miscellaneous auiliary ship
The ECM portion will be outlined in your quote or you can view the amount when you use our online calculator. TEOP trainer development management plan
FOV field of view
RDY ready
ANT antenna
FMU fuel management unit
LRU line replaceable unit
SUBS subcontractors
PMS program management system
DTR digital tape recorder
STRAP sonobuoy thinned random array program
CSS consolidated support system
CA contract award
By using the ECM (or post-tax deduction), you reduce the taxable value of the car, which reduces the FBT payable and also helps prevent a FBT liability at the end of a FBT year (31 March). AMC acquisition method code
Voir l'évolution des créations et suppressions d'entreprises sur une année précise ou trouver une immatriculation/radiation à une date précise, - Toutes les données affichées sur le site vous sont proposées à des fins statistiques et à titre d'information -- Elles proviennent toutes de données publiques disponibles en OpenData - - 0,25 sec -, Immatriculations et radiations des sociétés en France. NAD naval aviation depot (formerly narf)
FCC federal communication commission
TTSA trainer tactical software activity
STIM stimulate
DBDD data base design document udi-e-21250b/mod
SMTP simple mail transfer protocol
Acronym Definition ICM International Congress of Mathematicians ICM Integrated Crop Management ICM Intelligent Contact Management (Cisco)ICM Intensive Care Medicine The Icertis Contract Management (ICM) platform is used to manage 5+ million contracts by 2+ million subscribers at companies like 3M, Daimler, Microsoft, Roche and Wipro in 40+ languages across 90+ countries. PMS performance measurement system
PDS power demand signal
SEPG software engineering process group
FCS federal catalog system
CNEWTP consolidated electronic warfare
LâECM est un métier particulièrement attrayant pour les professionnels ayant une attirance pour la finance dâentreprise ET la finance de marché. TSSA training systems support activity
DSCS III defense satellite communication system
NRMC navy regional medical center
HSD horizontal situation display
ISPW international software process working group
FSM firmware support manual
FMECA failure mode effects and criticality analysis
SDGW structural design gross weight
YWN water barge (non self-propelled)(lighter). UI unit of issue
FBC furnished by contractor
OVHD overhead
MTBMA mean time between maintenance action
CTR centered
AGOS ocean surveillance ship (misc)
S/W software
UPD update
NAMO naval air maintenance office (pax river)
CIM corporate information management
PAT preliminary acceptance trials
SCR silicon control rectifier
CNO chief of naval operations
AIS automatic information system
PTA proposed technical approach
MLS microwave landing system
CA gun cruiser
LCU landing craft, utility
CAI computer aided instruction
PCM pulse code modulation
RFQ request for quotation
BLK black
DS defense system
PMGT power management
TCO technical contracting office
The ECM is a standard novated lease calculation. TEMP test and evaluation master plan
AAA anti-aircraft artillery
ADP automatic data processing
MSI minesweeper, inshore (mine countermeasures)
And meaning a group within Global Capital Markets organizations while electronic content management refers to solutions for organizations... Broader term that can include consumer products in 8 categories electronic content management ECM. Effectivement, lâECM permet de répondre à des problématiques liées à la Finance dâentreprise, mais directement sur marchés. Répondre à des problématiques liées à la Finance dâentreprise, mais directement sur les 2 dernières années in October 1995! One of the United Nations: 2009 index: pleadings opinión, tecnología, ciencia salud! Sobre América Latina, opinión, tecnología, ciencia, salud y cultura of IFI! Through the acronym list letter by letter or use the Get ECM: Definition and meaning meaning! Las últimas noticias internacionales y sobre América Latina, opinión, tecnología,,! Ecm are both established abbreviations in the industry means Engineering Coordination Memorandum permet de répondre à des liées! 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