It was an era in which the Muslim invasion and crusades caused great influence in the life of society. The place where literature developed was the European continent. Artists were commissioned for works featuring Biblical tales and classical themes for churches, while interiors were elaboratel… It was initially written on goat or sheep skins and with ink made from water, coal and gum. Many of the works of medieval literature are by unknown authors. The works of medieval literature were written, transcribed and preserved in the monasteries. Medieval Spanish literature consists of the corpus of literary works written in medieval Spanish between the beginning of the 13th and the end of the 15th century. Lyric Poetry Courtly Love. Such is the case of Cantar del Mío Cid , The Stories of King Arthur , Rolando's song And others, which are enriched by accounts of authors who traveled as well. When it came to topics of renown, an author could appear. AD 500 to the beginning of the Renaissance in the 14th, 15th or 16th century, depending on country). Some of the stories that were told were about great heroes and great adventures. Literature in the Medieval Period. The writers are little recognized, due to the anonymity or lack of publication of their works. This period can be analyzed from many perspective such as theology, art and literature and philosophy. All this, as well as the social structure based on the feudal system, served as an influence to the literary composition, which took themes of life and repressed desires as content. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Many works of the Middle Ages, in fact, are known as poems or songs for this reason. This is the most recurrent theme in medieval literature, as it is responsible for dictating all the rules of behavior, morals and good customs of society. Medieval literature is a broad subject, encompassing essentially all written works available in Europe and beyond during the Middle Ages (that is, the one thousand years from the fall of the Western Roman Empire ca. Most of the art of this time was created for the church to glorify God more than appeal to aesthetic sensibilities. MEDIEVAL LITERATURE (1066 - 1510) 2 Chaucer at the Court of Edward III, Ford Madox Brown (1856-1868) 3 Geoffrey Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer is generally regarded as one of the greatest poets of all time and the “father of the English language” and yet, oddly enough, we do not Medieval Period literature is a broad subject, encompassing essentially all written works available in Europe and beyond during the Middle Ages. A few of these have survived down to our times. 3.46 avg rating — 244,538 ratings. Medieval literature initially had a theocentric view of the world because it placed God at the center of the universe and its themes were linked to religion, chivalrous deeds and love. However, for medieval people, the experience of literature was not necessarily dependent on the kind of private, silent reading we now primarily associate with books and e-readers or tablets. Instead, creative medieval literature flourished primarily in vernacular languages; that is, the native tongues of Europe (as opposed to the scholarly tongues). These characteristics include: deurbanization, military invasions, population redistribution, and migrations of people to new areas. During this period, society at every level underwent profound changes. 1. Many of the oldest examples of Christian art survive in the Roman catacombs or burial crypts beneath the city. The explanation of this phenomenon is, of course, a good dealmore complex. Medieval authors were often overawed by the classical writers and the Church Fathers and tended to re-tell and embellish stories they had heard or read rather than invent new stories. Many works of the Middle Ages, in fact, are known as poems or songs for this reason. Allegory. The lay writings were also called Jugglary Mester and were not as abundant as the religious, but they were part of the literature of this time and they told stories of chivalry and love. This also made it easier to recite. 500-1500). (2019). Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Literature The study of Anglo-Saxon literature extends from theestablishment of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the 5 th century until the Norman Conquest in 1066. pleasant aspects of nature predominate. During this period, society at every level underwent profound changes. Introduction. It has three stages: the High Middle Ages, the Flat Middle Ages and the Late Middle Ages. The medieval literature talks about the dark ages of the western culture and civilization. 10 Characteristics of Renaissance Literature.