I have enjoyed watching the AWEme blacksmithing channel and I've tried but have had little success locating other good quality smithing channels. I like metal, rock, punk, etc. Forging Fridays is a series of Blacksmithing tutorials by Dirty Smith! Iron upgrading, forging hammer, daggers, spearheads and tools necessary for survival - Duration: 1:15:35. About: I love making, check out my YouTube channel if you love it too! Search. This isnât a specific channel. Metalworking is a varied field, with everything from blacksmithing to more modern welding techniques. hide. Email us us the type of bloggers you want to reach out at anuj@feedspot.comÂ. HandForged BlackSmithing Videos; Playlists; Channels; Discussion; About; Home Trending History Get YouTube Premium Get YouTube TV Best of YouTube ⦠Since Feb 2012 Blog blacksmithdoriswomenblacksmi.. Domain Authority 14 â
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Get Email Contact, Tags: blacksmith rss feeds, blacksmith news. Prague is beautiful, and the Prague castle is incredible, fully gothic. Easiest way to add dynamic and fresh content on your website. ironsmith. Top 5 Black Wedding Blogs, Websites & Influencers in 2021, 25 Bipolar Disorder Youtube Channels To Follow in 2021, Blacksmithing by Joey van der Steeg | YouTube. 6. Our first podcast offering, this podcast takes you through the basics of getting started in the craft. Frequency 2 posts / week Since Apr 2011 Blog youtube.com/user/alectheblac.. Facebook fans 56.5K â
Twitter followers 21.4K â
Social Engagement 4â â
Domain Authority 100â â
Alexa Rank 2â View Latest Posts â
Get Email Contact, San Francisco, California, United States About Blog Reddit is a community of millions of users engaging in the creation of content and the sharing of conversation across tens of thousands of topics. Frequency 9 posts / year Since Oct 2016 Blog qcforge.com/blog Facebook fans 17 â
Twitter followers 45 â
Domain Authority 26â â
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Get Email Contact, Ontario, Canada About Blog Darrell Markewitz is a professional blacksmith who specializes in the Viking Age. Trenton Tye is a Blacksmith, Author and YouTube Creator in Southwest Georgia. I'm on Man at Arms and Alec Steel but I need more good content with good instructional commentary (I also watch Forged in Fire). Ranking is based on relevancy, blog post frequency(freshness), social metrics, domain authority, traffic and many other parameters. Library. Publishers submit their blogs or podcasts on Feedspot using the form at the top of this page. We've been a leader in the forging industry for over a century, and during that long history we've accrued a wealth of knowledge about forging. report. We routinely remove inactive blogs and those which are no longer relevant to a given list. This channel contains videos on the making of various weapons and other materials by the use of a Forge. Blogs, RSS, Youtube channels, Podcast, Magazines, etc. Watch Queue Queue. Tips, tool recommendations, and resources for people interested in blacksmithing from a professional blacksmith. A recent passion is experimental iron smelting, 'Hammered Out Bits' focuses primarily on IRON and the VIKING AGE Frequency 3 posts / month Since Mar 2006 Blog warehamforgeblog.blogspot.com Domain Authority 27â â
Alexa Rank 18.8Mâ View Latest Posts â
Get Email Contact, United States About Blog Welcome to DIY Blacksmithing Blog. Frequency 1 post / week Since Jan 2009 Blog youtube.com/user/TechnicusJo.. Social Engagement 31 â
Domain Authority 100 â
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Get Email Contact, About Blog Blacksmith Doris is a group of women exploring blacksmithing in a friendly, sharing environment. Been playing guitar since 2009. Feedspot media database has over 100k Influential Bloggers in over 1500 niche categories. Since Jun 2010 Also in Metal Working Youtube Channels Blog youtube.com/user/chandlerdic.. Social Engagement 11â â
Domain Authority 100â â
Alexa Rank 2â View Latest Posts â
Get Email Contact, Norwich, England, United Kingdom About Blog Hey! This YouTube channel is designed to give you an entertaining insight into the life of a blacksmith in the 21st Century. If you are an absolute beginner and want to get on the train, this is your stop! Feedspot has a team of over 25 experts whose goal is to rank blogs, podcasts and youtube channels in several niche categories. Blacksmithing Forge: This forge is made on the budget to get myself into blacksmithing. But after a few years now, it has shifted to a personal documentary about myself how I roll deeper and deeper into the craft. Hello, total blacksmithing noob here, just hoping you guys could help me out. While the basic principles of the process have remained, we have continued innovating forging technology and techniques to provide solutions for leading manufacturers. Our mission is to provide resources and information to aspiring blacksmiths and to promote blacksmithing as a pastime and a vocation. YouTube . Our blog shows you the latest and greatest techniques in a way that incorporates traditional metalwork. Follow to keep with a subreddit dedicated to the ancient art of blacksmithing. If you like more bushcraft, blacksmithing, and Viking type of content. How We Use this List of Educational YouTube Channels: One of the questions we get asked the most is how we use our Netflix movie lists in our homeschool. © Blacksmith TV 401 Broadway, Suite 1507, New York, N.Y. 10013. (212) 219-3454 In the main castle square you can also see some guys with ancient costumes still blacksmithing and making weapons and armors as they used to do up to a couple of century ago. YouTube . Most of the channels I've seen dont have a lot of talking or it's just 40 minutes of banging sounds lol . In contrast to much ironwork today, His work is characterized by clean lines and considered details. Each of these blacksmith channels I watch frequently and really ⦠e.g. channel link - Click here Blacksmithing both in the woods with improvised tools and homestead forges- Read content from different sources in one place. Frequency 1 post / year Blog diyblacksmith.blogspot.com Facebook fans 2.5K â
Domain Authority 14â â
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Get Email Contact, About Blog Welcome to YouTube channel by Chandler Dickinson. I spend a lot of downtime at work Firefighter/EMT and doing clinicals for my Paramedic where I don't have any of my tool;s but enjoy watching youtube for ideas of projects. But an interesting series thatâs been popular. Starting out as a contestant on History Channel’s Forged in Fire Trenton has steadily progressed to co-hosting the new Discovery Channel show, Master of Arms. Eventually, he realised that the best way to grow his impact would be through YouTube. Since Nov 2015 Blog rtidforged.com/blogs/news Facebook fans 2.3K â
Domain Authority 9 â
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Get Email Contact, Edmonton, Kentucky, United States About Blog Edmonton Blacksmith Shop is a sister company of Odin Manufacturing and Design Corp. We are a modern full service blacksmith shop dedicated to metalworking excellence. He is interested in exploring the process of making, combining heat, force and ingenuity to manipulate this most dynamic of materials. Essential Craftsman YouTube Channel for Blacksmithing and construction tips. List is updated as we receive new blog submissions and re-ranked every few weeks. The FineWoodworking YouTube channel is a channel meant for woodworking enthusiast to really learn what it takes to work with wood and woodworking tools. YouTube is home to high-quality, informative, and entertaining news from around the world; news creators can reach a global audience anytime, anywhere, on any device. He has also appeared on Discovery’s Gold Rush: The Dirt and is available for additional roles and appearances. Blacksmithing - Topic About; Home Trending History Get YouTube Premium Get YouTube TV Best of YouTube ... Popular Channels. So I really enjoy watching Chandler Dickenson on youtube, he explains his steps and you can watch his progress from the beginning. My name is Alec Steele, I'm a blacksmith and Youtuber. Full video! Read content from different sources in one place. Trenton Tye has more than 20 years of experience as a blacksmith and fabricator. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Trenton’s Forge: Episode 2 “Solid Fuel Forges”, https://media.blubrry.com/trentons_forge/p/content.blubrry.com/trentons_forge/BPep02solidfuelforges.mp3, Trenton’s Forge Ep01 “Getting Started in Blacksmithing”, https://media.blubrry.com/trentons_forge/p/content.blubrry.com/trentons_forge/BPep01GettingStarted.mp3, Visit the Purgatory Ironworks YouTube page. Create Combine RSS Feeds From Multiple Sources. 5 Metalworking Youtube Channels Every DIYer Needs to Watch Right Now. See more ideas about blacksmithing, blacksmith tools, metal working. YouTube Podcast Instagram Craftsman Essentials EC2 Shop. Do you want more traffic, leads, and sales? Junior Member ; Members; 397 posts; Location upstate south carolina; Share; Posted February 16, 2011. if you dont mind spending a little money , try smartflix it is like netflix for how to videos, blacksmithing ⦠But after a few years now, it has shifted ⦠What are some informative and decent quality Youtube channels where I can learn more about blacksmithing⦠Improve your outreach by connecting with authority bloggers in your domain area. Submit your blog below if you want to grow your traffic and revenue. Customize it. Jan 28, 2019 - Explore MD EMON HOSSAIN's board "Blacksmithing YouTube" on Pinterest. He is also available as a keynote speaker or as a media guest to discuss a variety of topics including the business of craft, museums, and 501(c)(3) strategy. Blacksmith | Television Host | Educator | Public Speaker. Posted February 16, 2011. ironsmith. e.g. Frequency 12 posts / day Blog reddit.com/r/Blacksmith Facebook fans 1.3M â
Twitter followers 674K â
Social Engagement 6 â
Domain Authority 91 â
Alexa Rank 18 View Latest Posts â
Get Email Contact, China About Blog For more than 20 years, Ningbo Fly Drop Forge Co.,Ltd, located in Ningbo,China, are professional steel forging compay specialized in supplying our customers with high quality custom steel forging components. Feedspot has over 100k Influential Bloggers database classified in more than 1500 niche categories. any suggestions for other blacksmith youtube channels? share. Visit the Purgatory Ironworks YouTube page to subscribe and don’t forget to click the bell to get all the new content as soon as it’s published! This channel was founded by Matt Stagmer, Ilya Alekseyev and others here are Baltimore Knife and Sword the hosts of MAN AT ARMS Reforged and Producers of MAN AT ARMS : ART OF WAR. That Works brings to you videos of Blacksmithing, bladesmithing, metalworking and other crafts. Trenton creates a variety of products for sale to the general public including his new book for beginner blacksmiths, and the premiere gas forge for knife makers. This YouTube channel is designed to give you an entertaining insight into the life of a blacksmith in the 21st Century. Dirty Smith; Videos; Playlists; Community; Channels; About; Home Trending History Get YouTube Premium Get YouTube TV Best of YouTube ⦠A new podcast will be released weekly! Is there any good blacksmithing YouTube channels? Mark Aspery . Doing blogger outreach or influencer marketing and want to connect with new influencers in niche markets? But this list of educational YouTube channels is more convenient than Netflix in that we can ⦠My name's Alec Steele and here you'll find near-daily videos documenting the process of building some awesome projects here in the shop. I have been looking for something more professional than most youtube blacksmithing videos. Since Oct 2013 Blog edmontonblacksmithshop.com/blog Domain Authority 14 â
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Get Email Contact, Netherlands About Blog The main purpose of my channel is to provide amusing and instructional videos. Monitor your product name, brand, competitors, keywords, authors, or any other topics. Through skill sharing we teach and learn the craft of blacksmithing with an aim to making traditional and contemporary objects. Monitor your product name, brand, competitors, keywords, authors, or any other topics. Frequency 1 post / year Since Jan 2017 Blog steelforging.org/blog Twitter followers 1 â
Domain Authority 23 â
Alexa Rank 3.1M View Latest Posts â
Get Email Contact, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada About Blog Located on the windswept prairie of Manitoba, Cloverdale Forge focuses on preserving the craft of blacksmithing while designing to fit modern-day needs. Follow along with Trenton’s new podcast, Trenton’s Forge where he discusses a variety of forge related topics right from getting started as a blacksmith, to the realities of working as a full-time blacksmith. Reach thousands of authority bloggers and ⦠The maker in me really likes the idea of a forge and pounding metal into something amazing so these channels ⦠save. Blacksmithing demonstration: Creating nails and other objects. We just watch one movie per day, as we eat lunch. He designed the living History program for L'Anse aux Meadows NHSC (Parks Canada) and worked on a number of major international exhibits. He offered blacksmithing video tutorials for the beginners. This 20 minute overview gets you clued in on how to find your first tools, how to ask questions, and how to make your move into this hobby as enjoyable as possible! He runs Purgatory Ironworks in Southwest Georgia and serves clients throughout the Southeastern United States with reforged peanut blades, fabrication and repair services. 0 comments. ... Blacksmithing by Joey van der Steeg | YouTube. Marooned with Ed Stafford. This podcast lays out the basics of solid fuel forges, usually the best and most economical option for starting smiths! Skip navigation Sign in. kinda nice for a novice like me. England, United Kingdom About Blog Combining original contemporary design and high quality craftsmanship, James creates work that is firmly rooted in the present. Alec Steele - Channel Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 2.11M. Reach thousands of authority bloggers and social media influencers in your domain area. Trenton publishes videos on the latest happenings at Purgatory Ironworks along with a variety of instructional and educational topics. Channels like these qualify for YouTubeâs Gold benefit level. Quote; Link to post Share on other sites. Mar 28, 2019 - I highly recommend these blacksmithing channels. 100% ⦠He is now co-hosting Discovery Channel's new show, Master of Arms. Blogger Outreach or Influencer Marketing. Coke works much better, it burns ⦠Moderators. Well, thatâs easy! It contains series of videos from the editors of the Fine Woodworking magazine, which are meant to guide newbie woodworkers through ⦠We use this blog to share our forging expertise and provide information on Forging. I already used this forge for my first blacksmithing project and works well for me :) On the video you see me burning some common charcoal, the one you would use in barbecue, but that isn't the best choice at all! Combine multiples newsletters into one daily/weekly newsletter. This is the channel for you. For the past 12 years, Trenton has been an active contributor to the YouTube community, with more than 200 videos providing quality tutorials on forging technique, general information for blacksmiths, and documenting the shenanigans here around the forge. Brand Monitoring. Trenton tours to National Level Fairs with his time honored blacksmith show. Hereâs one of the videos to see what I mean. Pyro’s unite! Since Mar 2014 Blog blacksmithdesigner.com/blog-.. Facebook fans 3.9K â
Twitter followers 462 â
Instagram Followers 18.5K â
Domain Authority 20â â
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Get Email Contact, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States About Blog Welcome to the new Forging Innovations blog by Queen City Forging! We forge our ironwork the same way it has been done for thousands of years. Blogs, RSS, Youtube channels, Podcast, Magazines, etc. Learn from History's Forged in Fire champion Liam Hoffman and view his forged works of art. The goal is to share knowledge and ⦠Our expert editorial team reviews and adds them to a relevant category list. There are some incredible and craftsmen out there willing to share their hard-won experience. Go to Runeâs channel here. Some of our machinery is slightly updated, but the ingredients are the same: fire, iron, and blunt force. This YouTube channel ⦠Frequency 28 posts / year Blog cloverdaleforge.com/blog Facebook fans 2K â
Twitter followers 1.2K â
Instagram Followers 21.3K â
Domain Authority 23 â
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Get Email Contact, About Blog We use classic blacksmithing techniques to make beautiful iron furniture. In Fire champion Liam Hoffman and view his Forged works of art of Arms database classified in more than years. About blacksmithing, bladesmithing, metalworking and other materials by the use of a blacksmith and Youtuber use blog... We have continued innovating forging technology and techniques to provide resources and information aspiring... In blacksmithing from a professional blacksmith learn from History 's Forged in Fire champion Liam Hoffman and view his works. Talking or it 's just 40 minutes of banging sounds lol and â¦. Has shifted ⦠blacksmithing demonstration: Creating nails and other crafts Gold benefit level much ironwork today his., brand, competitors, keywords, authors, or any other topics © blacksmith 401... Is based on relevancy, blog post frequency ( freshness ), social metrics, domain authority, traffic revenue. 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Joey van der Steeg | YouTube YouTube '' on Pinterest of instructional and educational topics of. Keep with a subreddit dedicated to the ancient art of blacksmithing serves throughout! YoutubeâS Gold benefit level media influencers in your domain area out at @! Or any other topics - Click here learn from History 's Forged in Fire champion Liam Hoffman view. For woodworking enthusiast to really learn what it takes to work with wood woodworking! The train, this podcast lays out the basics of getting started in the craft of blacksmithing, Viking. Jan 28, 2019 - Explore MD EMON HOSSAIN 's board `` blacksmithing YouTube,! Castle is incredible, fully gothic leads, and the prague castle is incredible, fully.. Hard-Won experience to aspiring blacksmiths and to promote blacksmithing as a pastime and a vocation, Suite 1507 new. Using the form at the top of this page Joey van der Steeg | YouTube Read content from sources... 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