This card is a very powerful positive indicator for you! Yes, Cups do highlight matters of the heart, but only on the basis of fluctuating emotions. You may be prone to overdoing it on food, alcohol, drugs, partying or spending. The reversed 9 of Cups does not have a definite answer, but it’s also not a sign of giving up. It represents a lasting or powerful contentment in your life. Nine of Cups, Nine of Cups Tarot Card, Nine of Cups Tarot Love, Nine of Cups Reversed, Nine of Cups Yes Or No, Nine of Cups Tarot Card Meaning Reversed Love Past Present Future Health Money Career Spirituality, Cups Tarot, What does Nine of Cups Mean? Four of Cups Yes or No: Till now we have known that this is a card that displays apathy and boredom from the person’s present life. While nothing is permanent, somewhere along your life's path you can expect to be truly happy. All information provided by is for entertainment purposes only. The Hermit is card #9. You are being submerged in a spiral of positivity and confidence, so now is a great time to invest in your profession. You will only fail if you give up, remember that. If you were to add all the numbers from 0 to 8, you would get 36. Reversed 9 of Cups, is it a Yes or No Tarot Card? We exchange looks, and sometimes I truly believe that he’s into me as well. This card is a very prominent sign for someone who is in a relationship. This is an ideal time to satisfy your dreams, and if getting back to someone still means a lot to you, it’s clearly a wish come true, have faith, and show that person that you love them. Samples of the 9 of Cups Yes or No interpretation in a Practical Tarot Reading. The love experienced by Cups can turn sour overnight as they are easily influenced by their shifting environment. “I met this guy in a bar last week, and we have exchanged phone numbers, and even though the conversation is always steamy, he doesn’t make a move. In numerology, the number 9 symbolizes the wisdom that comes after experiencing all the lower one-digit numbers. This is a phase that will fulfill your life and bless you to find positivity and optimism. There is the likelihood of a marriage or pregnancy. The 9 of Cups has quite the reverse message compared to all the positive meanings of what the 9 of Cups signifies. It means realizing your dreams and finally accomplishing them after working so hard to get there. The Nine of Pentacles is the ninth tarot card in the suit of Pentacles.. So with that in mind, considering the cups placed around him, that tells us that you will have reasons to be proud of and circumstances that can perhaps change your life for the better. All Rights Reserved. Be grateful and be open to accepting the compensations that originate from all your hard work. The 9 of Cups highlights the sensuality that you are conveying right now, so you should perhaps use that to your advantage and enable him to be comfortable to make a move. No votes so far! This is the card of loneliness. That same fear that is trapping you on a shortage of success? The self-confidence that will help you to break barriers. Six of Hearts: Yes, and it might have something to do with the past. I read the cards with my eyes closed and my heart open. Please read them! Don’t use self-hatred to condemn all the negativity on yourself. The Nine of Cups Tarot Card welcomes us to a sort of tavern where the owner sits joyfully looking at us and inviting us in with his gigantic grin. It does not suggest a more positive or negative result in these matters, so the only answer it … New beginnings. It’s a highly pleasurable stage in your relationship, so there is no doubt that immeasurable good things are waiting for you. But overall it … Balance your heart and mind to find a true calling. Keep everything in moderation and focus on the long-term consequences of your actions, even if they bring short-term pleasure. What Each Heart Card Means. You are in a very confident stage, so why not allow yourself to take that first step and let him know what you feel towards him, without leaving a dilemma? The color red in the man’s hat and socks represents love and passion. Since the overall association with this card is a positive one, the answer of the Six of Cups to your yes or no question is yes. This will be a phase to remember, and you should allow yourself to be proud of every accomplishment. Nine of Cups Past. The blue color of the fabric underneath the cups symbolize achievements representing trust, wisdom, and stability, so use this to acclaim the confidence and respect of everyone around you. Upright 9 of Cups, is it a Yes or No Tarot Card? Introduction: The 9 of Cups, whether reversed or upright, is one of the most uplifting and pleasant cards to receive in a reading. The determination that you have in yourself can be seen from the outside, people will notice, and you should use that endowment to help to motivate someone else. It is echoed by the man on the bench in the Nine of Cups being alone. Adding 3 and 6, you’d get 9. However, it also indicates a need for being cautious and defensive in struggles that are yet to come. The Nine of Wands shows determination and courage in the face of danger. This site uses cookies, and by using it you agree to the full Terms of Service. Be open to new possibilities in love and let yourself be consumed with the passionate energy that is around you right now. Three of Swords — No, there is … Speaking of healthy glow, your sex appeal is on the up. In the 9 of Cups card, we see a man sitting quite comfortably in a wooden seat, although the wooden bench doesn’t look like the most convenient place to stay for an extended period of time, wood links to circumstances that can change your life for the better. In Nine of Cups, we see all the cups (emotions) lined up in order, standing upright next to one another. It lets you know what situation has the potential of going your way without putting too much thought into it – just trust your gut and know exactly what you want. It often highlights a bright future in which your ambitions are achieved. If your relationship was in a distressed place before, due to some self-esteem issues and perhaps a fear of commitment, then you should calmly breathe now because you are in a much more steady phase. Everything that you have been through guides you to this one moment, and you should let yourself enjoy every accomplishment. You are precisely where you are supposed to be, and the response is notably positive. If appearing in relation to a divorce or separation, the Eight of Cups reversed shows things being handled badly for example: a father or a mother abandoning the family or a divorce turning nasty. Stay strong and keep working. YES or NO Tarot Reading – Nine of Wands. Sometimes getting what you want means alienating a lot of people along the way. The Nine of Cups upright indicates that we have achieved our goals, and done so in a way that has left our personal honor intact. We are sorry that this wasn't fun for you! Also, the color red in the 9 of Cups expresses the fullness of love and compassion. If Queen of Pentacles yes or no Tarot randomly shows up in your reading, you’ll get yes for your question. It can represent a heady time of enjoying the pleasures of the flesh and the awakening of all senses. Focus on your future on the winding path of your life. The Seven of Cups is a neutral card, therefore you’ll never get a definitive yes or no answer. Nine of Wands with Yes or No Answer. The Nine of Pentacles can predict major purchases. Not only does the 9 of Cups symbolize happiness and joy, but it also signifies pleasure and sensuality. In fortune telling, The 9 of Cups card is a symbol of wishes. It seems like you are trying to preserve yourself from something, could it be the fear of failing? Happy and fulfilling relationships. Nine of Cups: Yes or No The Nine of Cups illustrates happiness, joy, and triumph. Also, working on those issues that have been causing you to think less of yourself might be a beneficial approach. Ace of Swords — Yes or no, you will have a sudden insight and will know what to do. You perhaps had your dreams destroyed, a moment in life that has thrown you into an overwhelming pit of low self-esteem and disappointment. Be the first to rate this post. Two of Hearts: Yes, embrace it. The source of true happiness is … The answer you are looking for is YES. Reversed 9 of Cups, Yes or No for Advice? Investments are also a good thing in this phase of your life. When you don’t feel well with yourself, it might be manifested towards the outside as a lack of enthusiasm, and maybe your lover has noticed it? Does he want me?”. There is uncanny energy around you when it comes to love. Satisfaction. The 9 of Cups symbolizes wishes coming true, so if a marriage has been one of those wishes, then there is a high chance that you will be soon to be married. When encountering the 9 of Wands, the answer to your questions is mostly a yes. Because the Nine of Cups is such a positive card, representing feelings of joy, satisfaction, pleasure and overall contentment, the answer you seek is a definite “yes”. It’s a reminder that you are in a bad place in your life, but this is not a representation of what you are capable of, it’s just a result of something that led you here. Tarot card meanings and interpretation for The Nine of Cups in general, love, feelings, outcomes, future, positive and negative readings and as a yes or no. There might be some kind of dependence, such as an addiction in your life or perhaps an eating disorder. The answer you are looking for is yes. The Glutton : Content and happy, he sits relaxed and ready, neither slowed nor dulled by his revelry. Your relationship seems to be in cloud 9 at the moment, so be potentially prepared to step into the next phase of your relationship. You are an influence in your workplace, so embrace that trust and help build a more solid workplace. The chances of you attaining a pleasant love connection is incredibly high, so yes, there is a huge possibility that he feels that way as well. You will not regret giving love a chance. The nine of cups represents your dreams becoming a reality. When seeking a yes or no answer in a tarot reading, the Nine of Cups is a big and certain yes! The 9 of Wands expresses that you are in the middle of a battle, but the worst has already past, and now you need to gather the energy that you have left and keep going. Two of Swords — No, you do not know all the facts. All Tarot cards in any suit bearing the number 9 are lower echoes of the Major Arcana’s cards numbered 9 and 19. Three of Hearts: Yes, it's time to have some fun. Have you, by any chance, played hard to get or was a little intimidating, and that could have perhaps thrown him out of balance? If you are single, then perhaps you have to work within yourself first before beginning to pick on why you are not into someone. 9 of Cups, Yes or No for Business Decision? This doesn’t mean that you are in the wrong relationship, it only means that you are not in a great place, which could be explained by the lack of commitment or some sort of self-esteem issues. Follow your heart. It is heavily tied to creative endeavour and good wishes for the future. Nine of Cups as Feelings Nine of cups speaks of feeling good about oneself. Hardships and obstacles are now behind you. When we look at the man in the 9 of Cups card, we see him quite proudly sat in front of his achievements. Look to your friends for advice and support, but recognize that you will find fulfillment. Will he ask me out?”. This card is an unequivocal yes, yes, yes! This is a strong yes card. The source of true happiness is your soul attaining peaceful balance. A good omen for love but also your career path. This Tarot card brings extremely good news in all aspects of your life. This card is an unequivocal yes, yes, yes! You are also being embraced by an abundance and thriving atmosphere, it’s quite possible that this will cause your circumstances to change in a positive way. Its presence is indicative of a bright future brimming with good times, bliss, and a period of your wishes all being granted. It also indicates the need to be cautious and defensive in the battles that are about to come. It’s all good. Six of Cups: Yes or No . Love is all around you, it’s almost magnetic, so making improvements to perhaps make amends to show that one person that you are in a better place and that you still love them, it’s plausibly a good start. YES or NO Tarot Reading – Nine of Cups. Nine of Cups — Yes, you deserve it. Possible business association. The Cups : The nine cups in the image symbolize abundance and contentment that comes from it, yet the cups are out of view meaning that the character may not have control over the full spectrum of his emotions. Four of Hearts: No, you are not in the right emotional state. Right now, it might be risky to take big leaps of faith before you resolve why you are afraid; the obstacles seem to generate within you. You should consider investing more of yourself into your relationship and make it work. Similar in appearance to The Seven of Pentacles with the plant imagery, but with stark differences. The Nine of Cups Tarot Card Upright Meaning: Yes, the road of the suit of cups has been a sinuous one, but it’s coming to an end, and what better way to do so that with a big boom! The Nine of Cups reversed serves as a reminder not to over-indulge at the expense of your health and well-being. See also King of Wands yes or no meaning (if interested)! Learn the meaning of the Nine of Pentacles for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. The 9 of Cups is a powerful symbol of recognition and pleasure, so embrace yourself for what could be one of the best times of your life. Circumstances will only improve if you make a change. I don’t sugarcoat the truth. When looking for the 9 of Cups for guidance, then the answer couldn’t be any more positive. Your insecurities and struggles or even what you dislike in a partner might be enough to unease him to show you more, not because he doesn’t feel the same way, but because of the fear of losing you as a friend. Five of Hearts: No, your heart is too heavy. The Nine of Cups shows feelings of joy, satisfaction, pleasure and general happiness. Discover the Nine of Pentacles Tarot card meaning for love and relationships. Like Cups, Hearts is the suit of love and emotions. If you have serious problems, speak to a professional. Keep on making positive changes and smart business choices or investments and acclaim the rewards of your hard work. You are in a vulnerable phase in your life, and having the support of the one person that loves you, might help you get through it. Nine of Cups Tarot Card Description In this card, a middle-aged man is sitting on a wooden bench while his arms are crossed, and his face are showing quite a level of contentment. Using other things to attempt to counterbalance for the disappointment in your life’s fulfillment is not going to guide you to a better place than you are right now, potentially it can perhaps drive you to a more unfortunate situation. Seven Of Cups: Yes or No Questions. Perfect time to start a new business. The Nine of Cups shows feelings of joy, satisfaction, pleasure, and overall contentment. Nine of Cups as a Negative, Weakness or Obstacle When the Nine of Cups appears in a negative, weakness, or obstacle Tarot spread position, this means that you will get the things you want, but they will not be what is best for you. The goal you have set for yourself is down the road a ways. Nine of Cups — Yes, if you feel it’s a positive thing. Ace of Hearts: Yes, enjoy this delicious moment. It might also mean that you would have to re-evaluate some areas of your life as well as possibly set where you are. Trusted Tarot is rated 4.9 out of 5 stars, based on 65,516 reviews. Spirituality and Mentality – The Nine of Cups tarot card in spirituality reminds you not to focus on the material too much, even if you’ve come into some money or something expensive has entered your life. Known often as the "wish card" it can mean that what you are hoping for or dreaming about most is very likely to be yours. Nothing like love to bring a healthy glow to the cheeks. The answer you’re looking for is “maybe”. Nine of cups tarot card is a strong likelihood of Yes in a yes/no question. “I have been interested in one of my best friends for a while now. There might be some bonus waiting for you to repay you for your hard work. It’s not without its problems. Motivation is a gift, and you are in a position to make positive adjustments in your business. The presence of this card indicates a bright future with good times, bliss and a period in which your wishes will be met. Stay true to your desires and you will reach the destination you seek. Satisfaction and physical well-being, assured future and material success, clear and precise intellectual capacity, inclination to form societies and groups. The answer to the 9 of Cups couldn’t be any louder. If you are single, the Eight of Cups Tarot card in a reversed position can indicate that may be putting off potential partners by being too clingy. Ten of Cups — Yes, this one is a keeper. The Nine of Cups is a card for sensuality, sex and the consummation of a relationship. If you get this card in a yes no Tarot reading, then the quick answer to your pressing question is a toss-up between ‘no’ and ‘maybe’. You are in a very prosperous place, so an increase in income or unexpected sums of money might be a possibility. Guys tend to be more prone to insecurity when it comes to dating than you probably realize. More About Nine Of Cups Learn More About All The Meanings Of Nine Of Cups Tarot Card Upright Nine Of Cups Meaning. The lack of believing in yourself might be causing you impairment and direct you to a lack of accomplishments. The Nine of Cups shows feelings of joy, satisfaction, pleasure, and overall contentment. The Six of Cups calls attention to feeling stress-free, optimistic, and joyful. Concluding by the 9 of Cups, you are in a perfect period for love. As you mentioned, he is your best friend, so perhaps he knows a lot more about you than any other guy. Knight of Cups — Yes… There is nothing that suggests a more positive or negative outcome in these matters, and thus, the answer is maybe. It is a sign that brings disappointment. This is a sign that your relationship is crossing an enjoyable and exciting phase. As sometimes achieving our dreams comes with complications we had not foreseen. The 9 of Cups symbolizes unhappiness and lack of fulfillment, so perhaps you are not satisfied with your relationship right now. Copyright ©2010 - 2021. The 9 of Cups is a powerful symbol of recognition and pleasure, so embrace yourself for what could be one of the best times of your life. 1. The reversal says that the wishes for you will go even deeper; these are not superficial wishes that are at play now. No, if you don’t. Alternatively, the Nine of Cups can appear as negative when you wish for the wrong things. This card is linked with feelings of joy, contentment and general happiness. You are capable of making a tremendous impact. If you are not in a relationship yet, then be ready to meet someone extraordinary as you are attracting love right now. Page of Cups — Yes, although there may be some soul-searching required. Nine of Cups Yes Or No. Your emotional and material well-being are at hand. This card symbolizes confusing choices, wishful thinking, and temptations from the outside world. The Nine of Cups Reversed Still, the way he is placing his body tells us that by crossing his arms, he’s feeling vulnerable and is trying to shield himself by creating a barrier between him and the outside world. You are in the right place for you. Summary: The nine of cups represents your dreams becoming a reality. You can look back on your childhood and smile, and you take many pointers from the way you grew up to guide you now. If you encounter the 9 of Cups, then you should be incredibly thrilled, because this card tells us that you are going to have a lot of celebrating. After all, I’m not only known for my royal blood but also for my royal honesty. The efforts you have spent will bring your reward. Ten of Cups — Yes, you may feel as though you have come full circle. Yes / No Key Interpretation The Nine of Wands shows determination and courage under fire. By now you are well aware of the fact that the card – Nine Of Cups will bring a feeling of satisfaction, joy, happiness, pleasure, and whatnot. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is an exceptional time for you to be in love with someone. Trusted Tarot® is a registered trademark. General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright) In a general context, the Nine of Cups Tarot card is a positive card which indicates your wishes will be coming true or your dreams will become a reality. These things are tools and not objects to be venerated. This is a strong yes card. Your self-esteem is particularly high right now, so it would be very gratifying if you use that energy to cheer someone else that might need a little push right now. The fullness of love and relationships on your future on the up nine of cups yes or no! Courage under fire so perhaps you are in a perfect period for love but also my. 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