Lenny | Narrator: Quest for Camelot. He’s a traitorous and wicked former knight of the Round Table, who sought to gain ultimate power by taking over Camelot (and possibly the world) as well as avenging his previous defeat at the hands of none other than King Arthur himself. Catwoman | Luna Ghost | Starts at the knighting ceremony, from Kayley’s perspective. Paul Eiding's real age is 63. Hanna-Barbera Cinematic Universe Villains | This drove Ruber into a murderous rage, wanting to slaughter Arthur with a mace, but the fearless Lionel defended the king at the cost of his life, just before Ruber turn to ambush Arthur. Kayley the mother of Ayden, wife of Garret, and the main protagonist. TMNT Villains | | Queen Gnorga | Quest for Camelot is one of my favorite movies. Susan McCallister | Mako Sharks | Barsad | Joker (Batman vs. TMNT) | Kent Mansley | The Principal | Ditto | Karl | Mr. Swackhammer | Bladebeak: We're not going in there, are we? The Forces of Evil] Garrett - Marco Diaz [Star vs. T … Seto Kaiba | Xiaolin Showdown Villains | Demons | Lord Ruber Artemisia | Bane | Trenton's Pride | Talia al Ghul | Kludd | Powerpuff Girls Villains | Foot Clan (Shredder & Baxter Stockman) | Agents (Agent Jones, Agent Brown & Agent Johnson) | Barkis Bittern | He also has a noticeable twitch that showcases his madness, often most evident when he utters the word "mine!". Griffin | Alias Narrator: A brave warrior who will join her... Narrator: A magical dragon with two points of view... (Clips: Devon kissing Cornwall, who begin to splutter - with some earlier footage that wasn't seen in the final cut.). Chuckie Sol | Secretary Gremlin | Quest for Camelot Electric Gremlin | Scrappy-Doo | Type of Villain Francis Fratelli | NygmaTech (Frogmen) | Andrei Sator | As it started, he ambushed the lands of Lionel's widow Lady Juliana to take hold of her land wagons, and forced her to tag along with his plot by threatening to slaughter her daughter Kayley (the protagonist of the film). North Wind, See Also Sebastian | Thrax | Two-Face | Wanda Grubwort | 7.9 Throwdown with Bobby Flay Collection . During the fight, Kayley overhears Ruber to Arthur about the demise of Lionel. Paul Eiding (born March 28, 1957) in Cleveland, Ohio, USA and is a known Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Producer. Benson Dunwoody | Cornwall: Oh, you've never sung before, have you? Lord Ruber, simply known as Ruber, is the main antagonist of Warner Brothers' 1998 animated feature film Quest for Camelot, which is based on the 1976 fantasy novel The King's Damsel by the late Vera Chapman. Beetlejuice | Arthur Fleck | Both (Devon and Cornwall): Oh if I didn't... Oh, if I didn't... have you! This tape is labeled 14996 and released in (1998). Gremlins Villains | Melanie Martinez Villains | Captain Poison | Delighted, Ruber continues on with his plot, gaining entrance to Camelot and ambushing Arthur one more time while the Griffin and the rest of Ruber's men ward off the rest of the loyal knights. Justin Quintanilla's movie spoof of Quest for Camelot. Spike, Television Quest for Camelot (1998) ← Back to main. King Llort | Bat Gremlin | George Wilson | Carl Grissom | Dark Yugi | Howard Clifford | The Magic Sword Quest for Camelot Original UK VHS Trailer. 1 Storyline 2 Movie Trailer 3 Sound Effects Used 4 Image Gallery 5 Audio Samples Quest for Camelot (1998) (Trailers) Gary Rydstrom Lion Growl Hollywoodedge, Bird Hawk Single Scre PE020801 (Heard most of the time Ayden the silver-winged falcon makes his call) Hollywoodedge, Bird Hawk Single Scre PE020901 Hollywoodedge, Boings For Impacts CRT016701 Hollywoodedge, Bullet Ricco Whiz By … Quest for Camelot (1998) G | Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Musical The Crush movie (1993) Cary Elwes, Alicia Silverstone, Jennifer Rubin. Riddler | Both (Devon and Cornwall): (singing) Oh what I will be, if there was only me. Martians (Martian Leader, Martian Ambassador & Martian Girl) | Principal Deedle | Alvin Marsh | Actor Paul Eiding from Quest for Camelot is cast as "Additional Voices (voice)." One of Arthur's loyal Knights named Sir Lionel upbraids him for it, swearing that no one will serve a false king. Victoria Vinciguerra | Penny Fleck | Lord Coward | Ruber is Gary Oldman's first voice acting role. Click here to login or here to sign up. Devon Cornwall Juliana King Arthur Merlin Bladebeak Griffin, the main antagonist. | A time of mystery and magic... action and adventure... danger and... (Clips: Ruber breaking into Juliana's home). Devon's left the building. A magical feature-length animated adventure brimming with laughter and song! Siegfried | Max | Garrett: (singing) Reaching for the sky, I stand alone. Grant Frost | Kano | However, despite his discourteous and cocky behavior, Ruber was steadfast, allegiant and trustworthy to Arthur one time, but suddenly changed, because he is denied both the ways he wants the share of his land, and to become the self-proclaimed new king. Kayley: (singing) And I can feel his heartbeat still and I can do great things on my Father's wings. Narrator: ...who will stop at nothing to destroy all that is good then just. Scut Farkus | Shang Tsung | Clarice Kensington | Meowrice's Henchmen | Wild Wild West Villains | However, following the 10-year rule of peace and justice in Camelot, Ruber grew addicted to power. Cast: Young Kayley - Young Rapunzel (Tangled) Kayley - Rapunzel (Tangled) Young Garrett - Pinocchio; Garrett - Flynn Rider (Tangled) Devon and Cornwall - Mike and Sulley (Monsters, Inc) Ruber - Dr. Facilier (The Princess and the Frog) Juliana - Queen Arianna (Tangled) Ana Miller | Game of Thrones Villains | Therefore, this villain shall be added to our "Never Again List", where proposed villains rejected by the community shall be placed to prevent future proposals of the same evil-doer. Scorpion | Looney Tunes Villains | Quest for Camelot Theatrical Trailer. Randall | Mathias Vogel | Lord Garmadon | Joker | Ruber takes up a stand by nominating himself for the throne of Camelot afterwards. Stonekeeper | Oh what I'd do if I didn't have you?! Jack Morris | Zarkos | Cry Baby | Ruber Sarah | Audrey II | Quest for Camelot II is a direct-to-DVD sequel to Quest for Camelot. Dick Dastardly (2020) | Gladiatori di Roma. Arthur Leigh Allen | Taken From The Bugs Bunny Road Runner Movie 7663. Carmine Falcone | With Jessalyn Gilsig, Cary Elwes, Andrea Corr, Bryan White. Superman Villains | Esther Coleman | As a result, Ruber's soldiers revert to their ordinary human selves, permitting the knights of Camelot to arrest them and reclaim their kingdom and Bladebeak is transformed back into a chicken and Devon and Cornwall were split into two, but decide to stay as one. Narrator: The story of a girl, who dreams of becoming a knight. Devon: When we get to Camelot, we'll be kissed by the world's most beautiful woman. George, Ralph and Lizzie | Poppy | Wile E. Coyote | Cheswick | Ignacia Bullock. Moving bush! Stone Generals (Gato & Mono) | Narrator: Warner Bros. proudly presents, a brand new full-length animated feature. Crimes Karai | Opening To Quest For Camelot 1998 VHS. 6:42. (Clips: The griffin breaking into Camelot and steals Excalibur). Poison Ivy (Lego) | The Banana Splits (Fleegle, Drooper, Snorky & Bingo) | Quest for Camelot Trailer. Hotel Caretaker | Description Edit. MLPCV's movie-spoof of 1998 Warner Bros. film, Quest for Camelot 1 Cast 2 Gallery 3 Trailer/Transcript 4 Scene Young Kayley - Young Star Butterfly [Star vs. Origin Cypher | He is shown to be an exceptionally tough, competent, intelligent, authoritative and strong fighter, so he can defeat many knights and kill a dragon with nothing but his bare hands, and the way that he turns around and stops an assault that is coming behind him. Directed by Frederik Du Chau. Penguin (Batman vs. TMNT) | 7662. Full Name Kralahome | Aguila | Poison Ivy (Batman vs. TMNT) | Occupation Attempted mass murdersBlackmailTortureAnimal crueltyMurderTheftTerrorism. Lestat | Cats & Dogs Villains | Asher Jonah | Clara Dalrymple | Bruiser | As stated in the beginning of the film, Ruber was a trusted knight of King Arthur and a member of the Knights of the Round Table one time. Animated Features Ruber closes in for the slaughter, but when he is about to strike, the two lovers step aside and Ruber accidentally plunges Excalibur back into the stone. (Clips: Bladebeak henpecks the mace-wielding thug). Grover Dill | Garrett attempts to strike Ruber from behind with his staff, but Ruber blocks the ambush and throws Garrett next to Kayley. Mrs. Prysselius | Cornwall: Right, we'll have to beat them off with a stick! Red Triangle Circus Gang | Mayor Brown | Ruber: You are going to lead me to Excalibur. Buzz Bronski | Goro | An adventurous girl, a young blind hermit, and a goofy two-headed dragon race to find the lost sword Excalibur to save King Arthur and Camelot from disaster. Robot Chicken Villains | Kaiju (Trespasser, Knifehead, Mutavore, Otachi, Leatherback, Raiju, Scunner & Slattern) | Hexagon (Trigon (TTG) & Trigon (Original)) | Cerberus, Live Action Films Skull Devil | Darla Dimple | Mr. All actors, scenes, videos, cast, characters, writers, directors, musicians and other crews. Ferguson | The Banana Splits Movie Villains | Salvatore Maroni | Swearing that she will not serve a false king, Kayley slams a wooden beam into Ruber, launching him out of the window, and she’s trapped by him when she follows. Devon: Thank you very much. An adventurous girl, a young blind hermit, and a goofy two-headed dragon race to find the lost sword Excalibur to save King Arthur and Camelot from disaster. The characters of this quest series are RuneScape versions of the persons in the British legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Regular Show Villains | Neon Gang | Norsefire | Rush Hour Villains | Blue Jones | Cushing Catheter | Directed by Frederik Du Chau. 8:22. Max Eckhardt | Devon: When we get to Camelot, we'll be kissed by the world's most beautiful woman. Samurai Jack Villains | However, he’s unmindful that both Garrett and Kayley are next to the stone where Arthur wield Excalibur from it once before he became king. Gossamer | Narrator (Gene McGarr): Journey back to a land filled with mysteries and magic... A time of bravery and adventure. Check the Quest for Camelot (1998) trailer! Paws | Monstars | Villains, This villain was proposed but was rejected by the community for not being heinous enough or lacks what is necessary to be a Pure Evil villain. Spinel | Tom | Myrtle Wilson | Eddy's Brother | Search. 6:36. Rigby | Elmer Fudd | Charles "Chip" Shreck | Spiders (Consuela & Tank) | Arthur Reeves | Joker | Phantom Zone Criminals | Scooby-Doo Villains | Mrs. Cade | Opening To Quest For Camelot 1998 VHS. However, using Excalibur, Arthur beats Ruber back. Rodan | Ezekial Gallows | Read the transcript • Trailer transcripts • Credits • Home media • Soundtrack • Production • Trivia • Gallery Quest for Camelot (released internationally worldwide, as The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot) is a 1998 American animated musical fantasy film from Warner Bros. Yu-Gi-Oh! Quest for Camelot is a 1998 American animated feature film from based on the novel The King's Damosel by Vera Chapman.. Nolan Sorrento | Butch Bowers | Clowns (Joker) (Clown & Ambulance Clown) | Lake Monster | Although Ruber has his pet griffin to steal Excalibur from Camelot, the theft is bungled and the sword is dropped into the Forbidden Forest, thanks to the intervention of Ayden, the pet silver-winged falcon of the legendary wizard Merlin. 6.0 Monty Python: Live at The Hollywood Bowl. Scarecrow (Batman vs. TMNT) | Heat Miser | Bladebeak | Quest for Camelot soundtrack from 1998, composed by Various Artists, Patrick Doyle. Baraka | The Camelot quest series is a series of quests centring around the Knights of the Round Table, and their adventures in RuneScape. At the same time, Ruber gets crucified as the energies between the stone and the potion conflict with one another, disintegrating him to pieces, being eliminated by the very same power that he has sought to obtain, thus avenging Lionel. 2:53. Penny Fleck's Boyfriend | Adam Sutler | Duplo Aliens | Garrett: Excalibur only belongs in the hands of Arthur. Shao Kahn | Scarecrow | DC Extended Universe Villains | This is the official theatrical trailer for "Quest for Camelot". William Wharton | Bowers Gang (Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Belch Huggins & Vic Criss) | During a meeting, he attempts to take advantage of his rank by desiring riches, to which Arthur refuses to permit. Devon: I'm Devon, and this growth on my neck is Cornwall. Watch the trailer. Sylvester | King Ghidorah | Instead of screaming, Ruber laughs in agony while being destroyed by the stone. Pure Ones | Narrator: It's a tale of love... a tale of bravery... and the search for The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot. Garrett Kayley's husband, Ayden's father, and the deuteragonist. Dr. Charles Nichols | Mr. Igoe | With Jessalyn Gilsig, Cary Elwes, Andrea Corr, Bryan White. Anubis | McCraetheVideoDVDLover. Kayley: I must find the sword and return it to Arthur. Ruber: Arthur and his kingdom will be mine! Zodiac Killer | I know it’s a children’s movie, but this story attempts to add some more depth. | Ah! You need to be logged in to continue. "Quest for Camelot"/unicef promo (10/1998) 13729:15 spot for the forthcoming 10/13/1998 video release ("This Tuesday") 9904. Catwoman | 101 Dalmatians (1996) Home Video Trailers, The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water Trailers, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (Disneyland Attraction) Trailer, Disneyland Paris - Space Mountain 1995 VHS UK Advert, Opening to The Sword in the Stone 1995 UK VHS, Opening & Closing To The Sword In The Stone UK VHS(1989), Opening & Closing To The Sword In The Stone UK VHS(1989)-0, Opening & Closing To The Sword In The Stone UK VHS(1989)-1, Warner Bros. Family Entertainment Trailers, https://trailer-transcripts.fandom.com/wiki/Quest_for_Camelot_Trailers?oldid=3144. Tasmanian Devil | Narrator: The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot. Jay Gatsby | 6.5 The Encounter: Paradise Lost. Dr. Julia Hoffman | Freeze – SubZero (1998) VHS tape. Joker (Lego) | League of Shadows (Decoy of Ra's al Ghul) | N' Goo Tuana | Rose the Hat | The Forces of Evil] Kayley - Star Butterfly [Star vs. Socs (Bob Sheldon, Randy Adderson, Paul Hoden & David) | Quest for Camelot (1998) Full Movie Streaming. Dusty | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul (Batman vs. TMNT), Ubu (Batman vs. TMNT) & Talia al Ghul (Batman vs. TMNT)) | Instant Martians | Bob the Goon | Agent 23 | Mouse Queen | Rick and Morty Villains | Quest for Camelot (1998) Teaser 2 (VHS Capture) Trailer • 0:32 • July 26, 2015. retro VHS trailers. They can be proposed again (with the permission of an. Whoo! Adventure Time Villains | Ruber's Minions | | Balloon Man (Teen Titans Go!) Catwoman (Lego) | John Wesley | Pink Diamond | Pokemon Villains | Motaro | As the tenth year passed by, Ruber formulated a plan involving to steal Excalibur and use land carriages to infiltrate into Camelot to exact his revenge. Ruby Deagle | Snarky, Shorts Both (Kayley and Garrett): (singing) Here in the dark, out two hearts as one. Zeek | Steal Excalibur (formerly; possibly succeeded at first, but then backfired).Take over Camelot.Kill Kayley and Garrett (both failed). Shere Khan | Penguins | Gambol | The LEGO Movie Villains | Released by Warner Bros. Records in 1998 (83097-2) containing music from Quest for Camelot (1998). Alicia Hunt | 1:00:00. Narrator (Gene McGarr): Warner Bros. takes you on a magical journey... through an enchanted land... where good and evil battle for a chance to rule a mystical kingdom. Salvatore Valestra | Harley Quinn (Lego) | Muttley (2020) | A star-struck feline steps out to become a dancer in 1930s movies in Cats Don't Dance (Disc 2), a romp that's part Hollywood salute, part wisecracking comedy and part paw-tapping musical. Prodigy. … The power of the stone kicks in and Ruber, realizing this, attempts to pull it away to no avail, as the energy gives off by the stone expunges the taint of his ACME potion from the sword. The Meg | URL. With the legendary sword in his possession at last, Ruber uses his ACME potion to fuse it to his wrist afterwards, replacing his right arm. Preston Packard | Quan Chi | During much of the film, Ruber and his posse chase Kayley (who is assisted by Ayden now, a blind hermit named Garrett, and a two-headed dragon named Devon and Cornwall), only to fall into some trouble with the forest's natural inhabitants. Kayley - Star Butterfly [ Star vs the hottest fire-breathing duo this side of Dragon!! 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