Their equation tends to be, "Give me your money. Someone once said; âthe best messages in the world are the ones that impact you the most.â (Speaking of the preacher) and this one certainly has. If the Fathers Kingdom is inside of me, it only stands to reason that I will ask in my name. When you are in the place God elevates us to ("heaven" is the mind in the skull) and have the nature God gives, you may have the confidence of faith He has, which Jesus had, with its concomitant feelings and emotions. But we do not find the disciples personally addressing the heavenly Father themselves (note Jesusâ words in John 16:24a). The Meaning of Matthew 18: 3 You Haven't Heard, A Question on the Oneness of God Most High. Mark knew Buddhism, by it understood Judaism more deeply than most Jews, and then there was Jesus. god is everywhere, so he is also everything we want, this is what the bible means what it says "be still and know that I AM god" this is also known as 'The moses Code, when he met the burning bush which was not being consumed, he was asked to free the slaves and he ask "who i am to do this, who am i to that i should free the people and if the people say 'who sent you' what do i tell them?" Read the Scripture: John 16:16-24 I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. John 16:23-24 Your Sorrow Will Turn into Joy. John 16:25. God is very gracious and does not reject our faith when we say, "In the name of Jesus." Dictionary Search posted by Daniel C. Branham-Steele at 2- DEITY AND PERSONALITY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, Inventory for children multiple intelligences, Sunday School Lesson 723 The Comfortor Holy Spirit is Promised, Sunday School Lesson 507 Jesus Turns Water to Wine at the Wedding in Cana, Torrey - Christ -1.2- Divine Attributes of Jesus. Jesus said the Fathers Kingdom is inside each of us, spread throughout the earth. John 16:24. John 16:24's "Ask, and you shall receive" is one of the most abused phrases in the Bible today, and the wolves who abuse it typically couple it with some form of solicitation for money. Select One Andrew Murray's Secrets Of Faith . 2:51 AM. s Ask, and you will receive, t that your joy may be full. JOHN 16:3-4 3 âAnd these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me. Which point in John is that the imagination of the Ineffable is in all of us - crucified from the Beginning (!) If it had the nature of an eagle, we'd call it an eagle. 22 So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy. Select One Browse Sermons on John 16:23-24. Mr Steele, this is the same Anonymous from before. There is an interesting tension between what we ask and what God is doing. An aside: you can quickly look up the meanings of words by opening a new screen on your browser and entering "define (whatever)" and hitting Enter. Prayer is to be "according to His will" (1 John 5:14), "in Christ's name" (John 16:23-24), "for God's glory" (James 4:2-3), etc. He also gave them assurance that they would receive what they requested "in His name" (cf. John 16:1 These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. John 16:23-24. Jesus wasnât saying to ask in Jesus name.. we assumed thatâs what he meant, but itâs not correct. In that day ye shall ask me nothing. Truly, truly, I say to you, q whatever you ask of the Father in my name, r he will give it to you. But seeing the Anointing manifest, Mark illustrated it using his familiarity with Gautama Buddha. 23 In that day you will no longer ask me anything. The path 2 Enlightenment thru practice/ dev. I have been renewed and challenged throughout this series. Rather, n HUMILITY value others above urselves, 4) not looking 2 ur own interests but ea of u 2 the interests of others.." 5) "N ur relationships w/1 another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:6) "..Who, being n very nature (*name, & all that name encompasses) God, (who i now call Yahwah/I AM/ohm /higher freq. I think ânameâ refers to oneâs natureâGodâs nature and its authority within us. (24) Until this day, you have asked nothing in My name. Everything is correct except for the "name", that is half right, the name is God is Truly "I AM", therefor praying with the name of god(which is your true identity) you're reciting the Most holy name in the bible. You Can Not Do Much Better For Yourself Than to Li... Genesis 1: 1 is Exodus 3: 14 Restated -- They are ... A Forum for Discussing the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures. John 16:3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me. Jesus began by washing the disciples' John 16:2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. The key to understanding the meaning of John 20:23 lies in the previous two verses: âAgain Jesus said, âPeace be with you! Romantic is an adjective meaning "of, characterized by, or suggestive of an idealized view of reality." And in that day ye shall ask me no question. On the day that I shall again be seen by you (spiritually), not: âif the disciples shall spiritually have given birth in themselves to the living Christâ (De Wette); not: on the never-ending day which is to begin with Easter in their souls (Lange), to which the ⦠And when that time comes, you will ask nothing of Me [you will need to ask Me no questions]. So I read John 16:24 in Vic's translation from the ancient Aramaic, "Ask and be satisfied that your joy is complete." Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Where is he getting this? I also have the book Neil Douglas Klotz which also mentions it. Having spoken of his departure, and of what the Spirit would do ⦠E.g. Thank you for the excellent question. I love the message and have seen the Greg Braden video. An idealized view. John 16:23 In that day you will not question Me about anything. Does a person have to be told he is a sinner in order to be saved? Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and Preaching Slides on John 16:23-24. John 16:24. á¼ÏÏ á¼ÏÏι, hitherto) As often soever as they prayed, Our Father, so ought they hereafter to say in the name of Jesus Christ.â αἰÏεá¿Ïε, ask) in My name.â ἵνα, that) This assigns the cause, why He desires them to ask. There is what the Gospel (God) really is, and there is what we think of the stories about it. John 16:16-24 New International Version (NIV) The Disciplesâ Grief Will Turn to Joy. Interesting hypothesis. When we pick up on it, it is already past. I believe Christ "died," was crucified, at the beginning of time. He, Yahwasua, became & was(is) perfected /made whole /unified. And these things I did not say to you at the beginning, because I was with you. A survival game about the Tribulation in the book of Revelation. Vine's Greek Dictionary. Robert,Thank you. "We've Found The Evidence" | START USING IT NOW!!! [Exod. That does not preclude the "son" being Mark, an Indian Therapeut missionary monk (search Ashoka) who converted to ancient Mosaic Judaism in Alexandria, Egypt. The Ruthless Elimination Of Hurry. American Tract Dictionary John 16:23. Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything in My name, He will give it to you. So he tried to reconstruct his own perception of the kerygma. Thus I have learned to read the Bible a bit differently than others, and am here trying to get us in sync with his program. Cross References John ⦠"Oh." John 16:24. - and Its authority, character, nature and reputation is the nature of Its very being we are to assume in our asking. John 16:24 Parallel Verses [â See commentary â] John 16:24, NIV: "Until now you have not asked for anything in my name.Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete." Lesson # John 16:23-24 Study Material - John 16:23-24 You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth. Especially Jesus, why? Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. John 16:23. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. See my response in I didn't say Jesus taught or even followed Buddhism. á¼Î½ á¼ÎºÎµÎ¯Î½á¿ Ï. Some how people miss this understanding. The Life of Jesus, Part 8 (8/10) The Palm Sunday Pressure. THE FAREWELL DISCOURSE In chapter 13, Jesus gathered the disciples together in the Upper Room for the Passover meal. Matthew 7:6-8 A printable paper model of the tabernacle. Same "life equation"*, ie *"Quantum Mdl of Realityâ (which i now call the "QMoR"*)I have also come 2 understand the God of this realm, having the son (Adam (atom) the immature/imperfected Christ b4 His Heroes Journey, which from this journey & His crucifixion & resurrection, reawakening, regeneration, restoration, reincarnation, maturation, perfection. The concern of the disciples is how long Jesus' absence is going to last. Jesus was the example, and when he was speaking these words to people, how do you convey that when you pray, ask in (your name goes here.) John 16:23-24. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name. When I read that term used, hidden motive, this is what I seen. The Prayer Technique Edited Out of John 16: 23-24: Neville Goddard taught causative imagining. When they do so, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (John 14:16â17) and thanks to the reconciliation of Christ (1 Timothy 2:5), they will have direct communication with God. Ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full. << Home. The Son was called out of Egypt, not out of the orient or India. It is the giving of a NATURE/AUTHORITY/CHARACTER/FAME OR REPUTATION (AS THE DICTIONARIES SAY!). Is it true that God has given us a blank check to ask anything of Him just as one might ask a genie in a fairy tale? The premise is that we can create our futures by imagining what we want with feeling, gratitude, and the absolute belief that what we wanted presently exists. Another interesting tension I should mention is that in asking we do not ask, as that is the assumption of not having. John 16:24. John 16:23-24 23 And [kai] in [en] that [ekeinos] day [hemera] ye shall [ou] ask [erotao] me [eme] nothing [oudeis]. Easton's Bible Dictionary 1 John 5:14-16. If ye shall ask anything of the Father, he will give it you in my name. It is a very natural flow of one thing illuminating the reality of another. John 16:23-24 (23) And in that day you shall ask Me nothing. The processes involved in his becoming are complicated to us, but he knows exactly what he is doing and lets us know. John 16:22. The disciples have been commanded to pray "in the name of" Jesus (John 16:23â24). Some may misunderstand this to be the case, but I John 5:14 qualifies what He will grant: "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." 2 They will expel you from the synagogues, and indeed the time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is doing a holy service to God. We proffer our request/suggestion, and leave it up to Him. John 16:20. The Season of Grace was a capsule: what Daniel was told of its summing up and completing was DONE. Name, place or concept e.g. #12 "There4 if u have any encouragement from being united w/Christ.." Christ (who i now call "Yahwasua") who is rep. of the "cross". 24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. International Bible Encl. John 16:23-24 New International Version (NIV) 23 In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Especially in light of other verses such as Philippians 2:9, which clearly make reference to Jesus being the name above every other)Thanks again. I found he is in constant transition becoming himself MANIFESTED, and there is nothing other than himself, which makes him us and we him in the process of becoming him. My problem with it is the functionality of any âname.â As in performing miracles âIn the Name of Danny!â Niet. ἡμ.] Tell me that ainât weird. I have read the versions: Murdock, Etheridge, and Lhamsa. He's Israelite: which means he could only adhere to the Laws of Almighty God of Israel hence the old Testament that maybe the perfect sacrifice keeping all the Commandments of which one is not to worship(follow teachings) of any other Gods(Religions). Any selfish motive that would take away from being Led of the Spirit of Love which is absolute unselfish and always sacrificing towards others. The consequence of answered prayer would be fullness of joy for them (cf. One thought for consideration: the "name" spoken of in the verse, is not feeling or imagination... Jesus is the name being spoken of. Seems like a lot of flip-flopping and a big crowd within us, but it really is just an attitude of love which incorporates contriteness, or rather humility, and cooperation. Jesus Revealed Part 16 - ⦠I imagine taking that in recognition and submitting it humblyâaskingâunto God who is our imagination by imagining itâwhat we are praying forâreal. Easton's Bible Dictionary See what I write about the Beginning in my more recent posts. To ask we must assume the nature of God which assumes the existence of what is desired. Think along this line to understand better that Jesus, for the sake of scripture, was an illustration of the Anointing upon man. Vine's Greek Dictionary. So I will be checking that link, and reading some more from your blog.Thanks again. Name is another word for sound or vibration. This truth is stated explicitly in 1 John 5:14, âIf we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.â Our requests must be congruent with the will of God. 1 John 5:14-15). Torreys Topicical Index Happy result of this spiritual reunion in reference to the disciplesâ official relationship: illumination â granting of prayer. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. I will not say (as some do) that there was no human Jesus Christ, for I was not there when the Anointing manifested during the Season of Grace. Discovering that God is real and the world is per the Bible (Spirit based, not matter based), I realized everything I thought I knew--my whole secular and religious worldviews--were wrong! The "name" given has absolutely nothing to do with any of the pronunciations of any historical man's name. 3 They will do these things because they have never known either the Father or me. Torreys Topicical Index Verily, verily. The important thing is that we are in that NATURE.I hope you will enjoy my other posts on the Becoming God. And, by the way, he nailed it. I say Jesus is a specific anointing Who was upon a certain man in the Season of Grace. "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name." Thank him for it, for what you expect already is. The idealized view is our fantasy of what really is from our misreading of the text. Many miss it; I've been screaming it. The Gospel According To Satan. Shows all words Joseph the son of Jacob - the savior of Egypt - was Jesus' father, and Miriam, Moses' sister, was his mother. Heroes Journeys, on their quests 4 their perfecting..that is..whoever is actually aware enuf, 2 care enuf, 2 b CONSCIOUS enuf as a practice..2 choose 2 practice & live mor virtuously rather than 2 choose 2 live a life mor vice ridden. "Name" does not mean any of the things you guys have said however. Were all the followers of Christ indwelt by the Holy Spirit before the day of Pentecost? That nature, a kind of attitude or comprehension of the reality of God in us, is accessible to us by God's spiritual anointing of us - the actual born again experience (not just the doctrine of being born again) - wherein everyone in it realizes that this NATURE which anointed Jesus Christ is YHWH, the working of the Ineffable Itself amongst man. There is both "fluid" & "static" intelligences. In that day you will ask nothing of me. I think you are reading romantically after the Christian sentiment for the passage. John 16 /. To pray in Jesusâ name is to pray on the basis of Jesusâ authority, but it also involves praying according to the will of God, for the will of God is what Jesus always did (John 6:38). 23 o In that day you will p ask nothing of me. No Matter What Comes Through Those Doors. 1 I have told you all this so that you may not fall away. John 16:24, ESV: "Until now you have asked nothing in my name.Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full." He is saying to ask inside himself, something that is only possible after he died on the cross. See John 16:23,24. The disciples were aware of Jesus' conflict with Jewish authorities and the danger that it presented. Jesus brought many of the themes of chapter15 together in this concluding promise: loving obedience, asking, receiving, joy, and fruit-bearing. All stories/myths /fables/"good books" of same premise ("The Heroes Journey"). 3:14.] it said "I Am That I Am", armed with the power of gods name he did what was told.So ask in gods name, through prayer, believe you already have what you ask for, give your prayer all the imaginal "tones of reality", The term inside Jesus or inside the name is understood by me to me that you have to be born again and accept Jesus Christ as lord, Super post, thank you. We are not to do things "in the name of 'Jesus'," but in the NATURE OF FAITH Jesus was in in his anointing of God's spirit. I disagree. Good post. John 16:23. Text: John 16:23-24; John 14:13-14. God is right, and the Bible was originally, too, but it has been edited, corrupted, falsified, mistranslated, misread and misinterpreted to mitigate our understanding of its message of oneness. So far you have not done this. For example, consider a verse that the lectionary omits: âDo not be astonished, brothers and sisters, that the world hates youâ (1 John 3:13). Dictionary Browse Be enveloped by what you desire, that your gladness be full.". Buddhists believe life is BOTH endless & subject 2 impermanence, suffering/uncertainty". John 4:23-24 records Jesus saying, "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. Praying to the Father in Jesus' Name (16:23-24) Jesus goes again to the theme of answered prayer that he has addressed several times in these Farewell Discourses (14:13-14; 15:7, 16). " Is the Devil a real being or just an evil force? John 16:22-24 New International Version (NIV). However, when I read all three major Aramaic versions of John 16: 23-24, those extra phrases are not there. As we noted last week, Johnâs epistle is written in part to clarify the meaning of Johnâs Gospel for a community which reads that ⦠This is the name/nature thats being "exalted" here, as how Ive come 2 view*) "..& gave him the name that is above every name.." (*i believe no human words know how exactly 2 dfine this "above every name". As weâve seen, to ask in Jesusâ name is to ask in line with His will for that which will further His kingdom and His glory. Welcome to my blog, and thank you for reading. This fits with the entire context of the chapter. Thank you for your reply which I just got around to reading.I actually agree with you on what you said, I think that we may just be using fifferent terminology and in essence "talking passed eachother".When I use the term "inside jesus" or inside the name, as I did above, I am referiing to that divine new nature and real born again experience (not religion)I'm also curious regarding what Mr. Kitchens asked about.,,, Correlating Jesus to the Serpent in Genesis. The coming of the Spirit would make all things clear, and the mysteries about which come to us through the resurrection of Jesus are beyond the reach of the despoiling hand of man. I don't need to make some kind of a (romantic?) Vernacular 2 limiting/confined maybeAs i have also come 2 view. John 16:23-24. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. Thanks for your reply.What I don't understand is that in the verse wuote from your post, it clearly reads as "ask from inside my name"; that seems fairly straightforward. Gathering Unto His Name - Priviledges and Responsibilities, Torrey - Holy Spirit -7.3- The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer, Torrey - Holy Spirit -5- The Names of the Holy Spirit, About the Church - 02 - Great Truths About the Church, Sunday School Lesson 920 Why we need to be saved - Because of the Nature of God. In the Beginning God createdâimaginedâall that would ever exist AS EXISTING. Plus neither nor his Apostles followed the teachings of Buddha. And In many, if not all, religions, Name is mentioned as well with respect to being an important part of prayer or being connected to God.So to ask in his name is to ask from within his vibration, the closest approximation of God's vibration being Joy/Appreciation/Love. Well Dan Steele; Historically Yahushua aka Jesus does exist. Click a link to see an entire chapter of morality/meditation/wisdom. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. John 16:23-24 AMPC. They r both needed, as conscious is 2 subJesus/Yahwasua's life exps r MISSING /UNKNOWN from ages 12-30"Some BIBLE SCHOLARS argue that between 12-30 yrs, Jesus was n Galilee plying his trade as carpenter & also prob learning how 2 fish 2 look after his mother/ bros/sisses"Other TEXTS on.."ANCIENT texts reveal Jesus spent 17 years n the Orient as BOTH STUDENT/TEACHER.."Y couldnt he have done both & all of it?Buddhist practices r n part, the same as Christ practices ie 10 Com/7 virtues-7 vices Christians adding 2 mor virtues 2 Buddhist life practice equation,ie QMoRChastity-LustTemperance- GluttonyCharity-GreedDiligence-SlothForgiveness-WrathKindness-EnvyHumility-PrideAs i mentioned, these r the "crosses & pearls" humans must unify on their ind. Towards others 16:1 these things I have also come 2 view Anointing who was a. 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