Foster and Kinship Care Education. Resource parents are required by the state and county to have pre-service training before children are placed in their homes and, annual renewal training, each year thereafter. Our program provides quality education and support opportunity for caregivers and children and youth in out-of-home care so that these providers may meet the mandated educational, emotional , behavioral , special medical needs and developmental need of children and youth. /* */ This act designated the Chancellor’s Office as the agency to administer the program and provide funding to the community … Por favor absténgase de acostarse durante la clase. LOCATION: Classes are held in various buildings on the San Bernardino Valley College campus, which is located at 701 S. Mt. Providing free classes for Resource Families in Shasta and Tehama Counties. Online | Sexual and Reproductive Wellness. Por favor no haga tareas múltiples durante la clase. Specialized Trainings Pre-Service Certification Trainings. El Cajon, California 92020, A Program of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Steps to register: 1. Video Chat Online Live Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Foster & Kinship Care Ed Program. It is mandatory to take Module 2 each year to renew your license and the other 5 hours can be accrued through other FKCE classes or taken online through the Quality Parenting initiative website. Active participation is required. para organizar esto. COVID-19 UPDATE: All classes have been moved to a live online format. All classes qualify for B, W, D, F rate and RFA renewal hours. Haga clic este enlace para descargar la aplicación de Zoom hasta su computadora o teléfono: Consulte la guía de arriba para obtener su cuenta. Just as childcare is not provided for onsite FAKCE classes, please refrain from having your children, pets, other family members, or anyone who is not registered for the workshop in the virtual class with you.  If childcare is an issue, please select a workshop time where you can participate undisturbed. Kinship providers are now also required to attend annual training. This program provides a wide variety of training programs for resource parents through 57 California Community Colleges. Please take a look at the list of classes below! No participe mientras camina, mientras hace tareas domesticas o cual quier otra actividad en la cual deba moverse entra ubicaciones. var kode="kode=\"110 114 103 104 64 37 110 98 114 98 103 98 104 98 64 98 95 37 98 62 98 123 98 64 98 104 98 103 98 114 98 110 98 128 98 128 98 44 98 108 98 43 98 119 98 68 98 117 98 100 98 107 98 102 98 49 98 104 98 103 98 114 98 110 98 64 98 46 98 123 98 126 98 104 98 118 98 111 98 104 98 128 98 95 95 98 95 42 98 127 127 95 95 98 95 42 98 64 98 46 98 123 98 126 98 44 98 95 95 98 95 42 98 127 98 95 95 98 95 42 98 64 98 64 98 44 98 52 98 46 98 108 98 43 98 119 98 68 98 117 98 100 98 107 98 102 98 49 98 104 98 103 98 114 98 110 98 41 98 41 98 95 95 98 95 42 98 127 98 95 95 98 95 42 98 64 98 64 98 44 98 108 98 43 98 119 98 68 98 117 98 100 98 107 98 102 98 49 98 104 98 103 98 114 98 110 98 43 98 105 98 108 98 126 98 44 98 53 98 64 98 46 98 108 98 62 98 107 98 119 98 106 98 113 98 104 98 111 98 49 98 104 98 103 98 114 98 110 98 63 98 108 98 62 98 51 98 64 98 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Click on this link to download Zoom to your device: You do not need to sign up/register for a Zoom account to login to the training—you only need to download the app if you will be joining from a smartphone or tablet. Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community If you are absent from the virtual classroom for more than. All Rights Reserved. Pre-Service Trainings/Certifications. We do not offer classes the last two weeks of December and the first week of January. The Foster & Kinship Care Education Program provides Foster/Kinship and Resource Families annual renewal training. Foster & Kinship Care Education Guidelines. hivelogic_enkoder_7_1979771622(); Welcome Parents. FKCE provides free classes, workshops and conferences in Tulare and Kings Counties in Central California. The Foster & Kinship Care Education Program (FKCE) provides the California State and Riverside County mandated continuing education classes for approved Resource Families. Refer to the Training Schedule page for training topics. To register: email at or call 310-660-6460.. TRAINING SCHEDULE: Winter/Spring 2021 Foster & Kinship Care Schedule All classes moved to easy Zoom format! } (Note: After Jan. 1,2021, use: Grossmont College Interim President: Marsha Gable, Ed.D.) Please click on the link below to follow a step-by-step guide on registering for a free zoom account. Welcome to the FKCE Program Web Site. Debe estar disponible en la totalidad de la clase. The Foster and Kinship Care Education program was established in the California Community College Chancellor’s Office in 1984 following the passage of Senate Bill 2003, known as the Foster Children and Parent Training Act. Education Program Important Information: Please allow 3-5 workdays to receive a certificate. Inicie la sesión a tiempo. La participación es un requisito. Si tiene problemas escribiendo mensajes en la ventana de chat, por favor tenga papel y una pluma a la mano para escribir su respuesta y demostrarla en pantalla. Any type of accommodation like close captioning requires a minimum of 7 days advance notice, please contact email hidden; JavaScript is required Most classes are open to the general public, and are free of charge, unless otherwise noted.� Foster & Kinship Care Education Foster & Kinship Care Education Program In response to COVID-19, the FKCE program is offering live - online class. Do not participate in the class while you are driving.  Do not participate in the class while you are walking, doing household chores, or any other activity where you are moving between locations. } Registration is required to attend all online classes. Click & view the m onthly pdf training calendar link below. FKCE Main Office 1501 State St. Barstow, CA 92311 Barstow’s FKCE Program runs from Mid-August to mid-week of June. The roster goes back to the FKCE office and after necessary verification, the class attendance will be input into the FKCE database and you will be issued a certificate. Asegúrese de estar en una ubicación estacionaria. D Rate: This training is offered for caregivers that take care of children with severe and persistent emotional and/or behavioral challenges. Governing Board Members: Elena Adams, Linda Cartwright, Debbie Justeson, Brad Monroe, Julie Schorr Classes. California State Law Requires licensed resource families to complete 8 hours of annual foster care education. span.parentNode.removeChild(span); If childcare is an issue, please select a workshop time where you can participate undisturbed. October 2020 FKCE Schedule of Classes (PDF) November 2020 FKCE Schedule of Classes (PDF) December 2020 FKCE Schedule of Classes (PDF) January 2021 FKCE Schedule of Classes (PDF) All classes are currently online and subject to change. The Foster/Kinship Care Education (FKCE) Program is a statewide program funded through the California Community College Chancellors Office, providing a variety of training programs for Foster/Resource Parents (parent education), and specialized training for relative caregivers. 8800 Grossmont College Drive Please note, accommodation may require 14 day advance notice. All classes listed qualify for credit to meet both county and state foster parents training mandates except for First Aid/CPR, which are licensing requirements. You must give your full attention to this important training. Our programs are designed with Resource Parents in mind, helping to bridge the gap between questions and answers. To register for a training, please follow the instructions listed below. … SU CERTIFICADO SERA ENVIADO POR CORREO ELECTRONICO COMO PDF 2 SEMANAS DESPUES DE LA CLASE. function hivelogic_enkoder_7_1979771622() { Cualquier tipo de recursos especiales requeridos (como subtítulos) por los participantes requieren un mínimo de 7 días de anticipación, comuníquese con email hidden; JavaScript is required Debe prestar toda la atención durante la clase. Hartnell College, 411 Central Avenue Salinas, CA. 2496 with any questions. The more we know, the more they grow! This act designated the Chancellor’s Office as the agency to administer the program and provide funding to the community colleges for the provision of education and training to potential and existing foster parents. No participe mientras maneja. Please check for classroom location by calling (909) 384-4457. American River College is proud to offer these classes on a rotating basis each year to fulfill the State's mandated training requirement. Todos podrán ver lo que hace durante la sesión, por favor tenga en cuenta lo que pasa a su alrededor. When scheduling classes please keep in mind that we are dark for the entire month of July. Please do not multi-task while on the call. All classes currently offered live and online via Zoom and via telephone audio. Log-on on time. Please make sure you are at a stationary location. to arrange this. Welcome! Foster and Kinship Care (FKCE) Update 4/1/20: We have moved all classes online due to Coronavirus/COVID-19. FOSTER AND KINSHIP CARE EDUCATION (FKCE) PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 2020 – ONLINE CLASS SCHEDULE All classes this month will be offered online through Zoom; in order to participate in the classes you must have a computer or smart device (phone or tablet) with a working camera and microphone. function hivelogic_enkoder_6_94370699() { The FKCE programs in Los Angeles works collaboratively with the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services on curriculum for resource parents. Foster & Kinship Care Education Program (FKCE) Classes . Is an issue, please select a workshop time where you can register that. Transition … classes funded by the California Community College Chancellor 's Office hours annual! From the virtual classroom for more than: we have moved all classes online due to Coronavirus/COVID-19 Education at... Training is for parents that take Care of a teen parent and their non-dependent children information... this! 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