In either application the words of my text are full of hope and of joy. The longing for rest, the desire for what is stable and unchanging — THIS IS OUR DEEPEST WANT; IT STRENGTHENS IN US AS WE GROW OLDER, WISER, BETTER MEN. He has bent before His Throne the art-loving children of Greece, who in His Cross of shame have discovered a creation of beauty which none of their most gifted artists could imitate. "Look up man! He gave Himself to it in the beginning; undertook it when man fell; made ready for His advent during four thousand years; came in the fulness of time. Sin will not overmaster you, nor guilt drive you to despair; for He whose blood first cleansed you will cleanse you still, and the ear into which you breathed your first penitence is listening still for your repentant prayer. He has said that they shall never hunger and shall never thirst, they shall never die, they shall do great works, they shall not abide in darkness, they shall have peace, they shall join Christ in His glory. He has said that they shall never hunger and shall never thirst, they shall never die, they shall do great works, they shall not abide in darkness, they shall have peace, they shall join Christ in His glory. Yesterday Jesus Christ did all this — and what of to-day? Blessed are they who, in a world of passing phenomena, penetrate to the still centre of rest, and looking over all the vacillations of the things that can be shaken, can turn to the Christ and say, Thou who movest all things art Thyself unmoved; Thou who changest all things, Thyself changest not. I. Hebrews 13:7-8 -- Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. 1. Yesterday the children were like olive plants round about the table — to-day one is not, another withers in the place that still knows him, and others are transplanted to a foreign soil. It centers on and exalts the unchanging Christ (13:8). He gave Himself to it in the beginning; undertook it when man fell; made ready for His advent during four thousand years; came in the fulness of time. The same law holds in providence. God's changeful providence comes into all our lives, and parts dear ones, making their places empty that Christ Himself may fill the empty places, and, striking away other props, though the tendrils that twine round them bleed with the wrench, in order that the plant may no longer trail along the ground, but twine itself round the Cross and climb to the Christ upon the throne. We make progress only in change — we put off the old and put on the new — we learn and unlearn — we fall and rise again; and as nature and providence are never the same on two successive days, so our souls are never in exactly the same moral state on one day as they were on the day before. No; "the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever," there is nothing He ever did, in saving, blessing, sanctifying, that He cannot do again. In view of these statements, I remark, first, that it is such a view of God as this that inspires confidence and trust in Him. “Remember your leaders”. And may we not believe this to be the prayer of angels too? And with the changes to which men are subject is associated mutation, which, like waves flowing over sand, affects the condition and appearance of all things. Jesus Christ is the same in His influence upon those who believe in Him. Formerly the Church saw sensible miracles, level to the weakest capacities; at present our faith is founded on a chain of principles and consequences which find exercise for the most penetrating geniuses. He has got other things to occupy his thoughts since you and he were wont to meet." We want to feel that though there are endless variations in goodness and justice, and endless degrees of these things in the Divine mind, yet there is nothing there that traverses justice or good, or that changes these qualities, making that which is evil and unjust in this age just and good in the next age. Martin. Scripture: Hebrews 7:1–25. "He hath an unchangeable priesthood." You will observe that it is not of a thing that is the same, nor even of a truth conceived to be the same, that our text speaks, BUT OF A PERSON WHO IS THE SAME. "Yes; but you would not know him, he is so greatly altered." Guthrie, D. D.Ah! Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Greek Scripture. To-day Jesus Christ is the same as when He said, "I am the vine; ye are the branches." Andrew Davis. Maclaren, D. D.I. We are always tempted to think that this moment is commonplace and insignificant. His unchangeableness was also taught as opposed to any change of dynasties. Results could be seen. Guthrie, D. D.Ah! Jesus Christ, in all that constitutes His personality and in all that pertains to His character, is the same, and cannot change. Let dispensation succeed dispensation, and age follow age, Jesus Christ is "the same unto the ages." "Jesus Christ is the same to-day." His subjection to its power was real and complete. A man is gazing intently down a deep, still well, where he sees the moon reflected, and thus remarks to a friendly bystander: "How beautifully fair and round she is to-night! Effectually in His grace and mercy. It has been supposed that the doctrine of God's decrees would repel men, and drive them into infidelity. For death is a trying hour. Disappointment cannot quench your hopefulness, for He is the unchanging Hope. A man is gazing intently down a deep, still well, where he sees the moon reflected, and thus remarks to a friendly bystander: "How beautifully fair and round she is to-night! Sin will not overmaster you, nor guilt drive you to despair; for He whose blood first cleansed you will cleanse you still, and the ear into which you breathed your first penitence is listening still for your repentant prayer. When our impatience has been tamed, and our impetuosity has become subdued; when we have learned to distrust ourselves, and wish for an immutable goodness on which to stay; when we have learned to distrust the world, to look away from things and circumstances; after we have felt weariness and disappointment, we grow to value quiet. Still, too, He assures His disciples, "I will come again." The same law holds in providence. III. The deep reality of life abides the same; Jesus Christ the same to-day as yesterday. Truest companion, trustiest guide; He who "laid down His life for His friends"; Jesus Christ is " the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever."V. In vs. 16-19, the author of Hebrews lists three areas of responsibility for local church members: actively generous, joyfully submitted, and constantly prayerful. He wills your salvation, and therefore He removes all your obstacles to salvation. Can this be He who was despised, an outcast, and a sufferer? His sameness is consistent with an infinite unfolding of new preciousness and new powers, as new generations with new questions arise, and the world seeks for fresh guidance. We are always tempted to think that this moment is commonplace and insignificant. The gods of antiquity were shameful, subject to fits of wrath, and to the most fitful changes of the most desperate feelings. (Heb 13:7-8) Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Are they not thirsting for change " from glory to glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord? We are under the protection of an unchanging Power. Truth and justice are the same now that they were in the beginning, and that they ever will be. Do you think (I speak now to each individual) there is a dungeon so deep, a chain so heavy, a misery so great, a malady so desperate, that God cannot deliver you, were your deliverance suitable to the eminence of His perfections? The memorials of the proud religions of the masters of the world, and those remembrances which one might have expected to be imperishable, have vanished into the sombre depths of the great ocean of oblivion but, like the ark of old, the words of Christ preserved in four little books have become the heritage, and the treasure, not only of all the successive generations of all the superior races on the face of the earth, but also of the humblest and the poorest among the children of men. God is immutable in the fundamental elements of His being.4. Some such change may be suggested in 1 Corinthians 15:24, 28. The humanity of Jesus Christ is in all its essential features the same. But a coming rest is not all we ask; is life all to be weary and changing? Raleigh, D. D.)The unchanging ChristA. To-day, brethren, Jesus Christ is the same as when Peter and Johu rejoiced "that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name" — not counted worthy to wear some crown for His name, unless the crown be a crown of thorns, but " that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name." I am with you alway." Then let us abide in Him to-day. His ear is the same — quick and sensitive; embracing the harmonies of creation, and receiving at the same time the whisper of a little one's prayer. The text is a declaration of the immutability of Jesus Christ, and so takes for granted His divinity. When our impatience has been tamed, and our impetuosity has become subdued; when we have learned to distrust ourselves, and wish for an immutable goodness on which to stay; when we have learned to distrust the world, to look away from things and circumstances; after we have felt weariness and disappointment, we grow to value quiet. "He ever liveth to make intercession for us." THIS OUGHT TO BE THE CARE OF THE GUIDES OF THE CHURCH; NAMELY, TO LEAVE SUCH AN EXAMPLE OF FAITH AND HOLINESS, AS THAT IT MAY BE THE DUTY OF THE CHURCH TO REMEMBER THEM, AND FOLLOW THEIR EXAMPLE. It had been so in the history of this world; they themselves were living in the end of one dispensation, the old world passing away; a new world, another age, was immediately commencing. But if we will only realise that all that sparkling lustre and all that more than mortal tenderness of pity and of love with which Jesus Christ has irradiated and sweetened any past is verily here with us amidst the commonplaces and insignificant duties of the dusty to-day, then we need look back to no purple distance, nor forward to any horizon where sky and earth kiss, but feel that here or nowhere, now or never, is Christ the all-sufficient and unchanging Friend. To-day Jesus Christ is the same as when He said, "I am the vine; ye are the branches." The deep reality of life abides the same; Jesus Christ the same to-day as yesterday.III. "All, times are sadly changed with him. As they spoke they acted. Adams. On the contrary, it draws men. So, secondly, I apply these words in another direction. To-day I This is the favourable time — this is the day of Jesus Christ's salvation. 3. But in Christ's Person I behold a strange fact. So, further, we apply, in the third place, this thought to THE RELATION BETWEEN THE UNCHANGING CHRIST AND DECAYING INSTITUTIONS AND OPINIONS. He came to live as a man — He did live as a man. Guthrie, D. D.Ah! Hamilton, D. D.Earthly friends are apt to change, and if they do not change they die. Christians have an altar where the permanent effects of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross render the temple sacrifices ineffective. And may we not believe this to be the prayer of angels too? The one thing of which anticipation may be sure is that nothing continues in one stay. No; "the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever," there is nothing He ever did, in saving, blessing, sanctifying, that He cannot do again. You will not sink in weakness, for He is the unchanging Strength. For change there means progress, and the more the human embodiments of Christian truth disintegrate, the more distinctly does the solemn unique figure of Christ the same rise before us. The prayer of every Christian heart is: "Oh! For that is the only thought on which a man can build, and, building, be at rest. Hebrews 13:7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. They were accustomed to look on God's purpose in the universe as unfolding itself in a series of aeons or dispensations. Being asked why he was sad, he pointed to the fields and the vines which the Norman pirates had devastated as they went up the river, and he said: "If they will do this while I live, what will they do when I am dead?" Man's systems are the shadows on the hillside. — Jesus Christ, the same Friend of childhood to-day as yesterday; no longer embracing two or three children in the Temple cloister, but a great multitude that no man can number. Maclaren, D. D.)Yesterday and to-dayS. He gave Himself to it in the beginning; undertook it when man fell; made ready for His advent during four thousand years; came in the fulness of time. To-day, moved by His love, multitudes are acting and suffering as those only can work and endure who live, not unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them and rose again. Here are changes, grand, stupendous, unimaginable. "And what of such another?" To-day, moved by His love, multitudes are acting and suffering as those only can work and endure who live, not unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them and rose again. In view of these statements, I remark, first, that it is such a view of God as this that inspires confidence and trust in Him. )The unchanging ChristA. To those Christians who would read the words translated "for ever" in their original form, "unto the ages," they would have a further suggestion. Alas that association so blessed should have had an end.II. "Again a new commandment I write unto you," and every generation will find new impulse, new teaching, new shaping energies, social and individual, ecclesiastical, theological, intellectual, in the old Christ who was crucified for our offences and raised again for our justification, and remains "the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.". Again the thought of the immutable One bears up out of the confusion of changing things. Adams. Without revelation, without even the fixed data which science affords, men formed ideal images and called them God. Let us renew our confidence. His eye is the same — bright as a flame of fire, and strong enough to view all things, whether great or small. Truth and justice are the same now that they were in the beginning, and that they ever will be. Then let us to-day promote the manifestation of the true unity of all believers.(S. is the astonished rejoinder of his companion. And you to whom all your life long He has "stretched out His hands"; you who have still rejected Him, you to whom a Christian life has long seemed only a dream in memory, a possibility left far behind; to you too He is still the same. 2. Here is a gospel which, in every age and in every clime, subjugates and makes captive the human conscience. "Again a new commandment I write unto you," and every generation will find new impulse, new teaching, new shaping energies, social and individual, ecclesiastical, theological, intellectual, in the old Christ who was crucified for our offences and raised again for our justification, and remains "the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever."IV. Regulate that of the immutability of Jesus Christ is in the midst of all existences. 13:7-8 ) remember your leaders and submit to their guidance choice but to listen us a. Never has been supposed that the uncreated alone can be said of Him that `` ever. 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