Don't be pushy, but rather kindly thank them for their consideration, and say, "I understand if you don't have time to give me feedback." If your annual report is due on June 1, then it certainly wouldn't be advisable to request time off in the weeks immediately prior to that deadline. Do say, "I would like to spend the last two weeks of August in Cape Cod. 2. Consider the ebbs and flows of activity in your department as you plan the timing of vacation requests. Your boss is probably underpaying you. When you request an update, you want to ensure you are staying on good terms with your customer, colleague or supplier. You don't want to go on vacation, if you can help it, and come back to a mess at work. Even if you know you want to accept the job, requesting time to consider a job offer gives you the opportunity to carefully weigh up the position’s pros and cons. Get caught up before you go. What level of politeness or directness is appropriate is, of course, something you'll have to determine by context. Employers in most states can set a date by which employees must use vacation or lose it. However, they may be required to make a good faith effort to accommodate employee requests for time off. Federal law does not require employers to provide paid time off for vacation, sick leave, or holidays. However, private-sector employers typically do provide full-time employees with at least some PTO, including two to four weeks of paid vacation. It can be more—some employers even offer unlimited vacation as a company benefit—or less, or employers can offer no paid time off at all. Many organizations have a lean staffing plan, and that means that every worker is missed when they take time away from the job. If you want time off at short notice, be sure to let your boss know that you’re caught up. Thomson Reuters. Turnkey Blog. Notice that indirect questions begin with a phrase ("I wonder," "Do you think," "Would you mind," etc.). “Vacation Leave.” Accessed Nov. 25, 2020. 10. It will be easier to make a case if you're ahead at work, and if you don't have any pressing projects in your calendar. To form an indirect question, use an introductory phrase followed by question words for information questions, and "if" or "whether" for yes/no questions. Using indirect question forms is especially polite. Or if you’re behind with stage one of a project and the people charged with stage two can’t do their work in the meantime. Before you talk to your boss, look to these tips for inspiration: 1. Play fair with coworkers. Plan your requests for time off when your boss will be most receptive. Do you have any idea how long it might take? Most of the time, something like this is sufficient: “Dear Mrs. Smith” You should be very careful with the titles before names. In the video below, you can also check out ways to reply when people ask you what you want. CNBC. If the compensation or PTO is less than you’d hoped, consider negotiating. Or submit a late job application to a company that refuses to review tardy submissions. FMLA applies to public agencies, elementary and secondary schools, and employers with 50 or more employees.. U.S. Department of Labor. If so, you’re in good company. If it's approved, I'll be able to be caught up with the projects I'm currently working on, and I can get a head start on any time sensitive work due after my return. “I really appreciate you finding some time to answer my email ... Just politely apologize; you don’t have to explain yourself (unless you do because you missed some deadlines, etc. I know June is year-end, but my sister is getting married on June 15 and I'd really appreciate being able to take some vacation days around the wedding. Some politely ask for a response, while others gently follow up an email. ): “I’m very sorry it took me this long to answer…” or “I apologize for the delayed reply…” 16. Thanks very much for your consideration. Feedback is often the first thing to get dropped off the “to-do” list when time runs short. Excuse me, _____ you help me with my homework? Cambridge University publishes English teaching materials with the phrase "Can you lend me," "Can I have," etc. But there are also times when being late could be disastrous. So, my mom has a day home business and she has a strict rule where the parents should arrive by 5:30 to pick up their kids. 9. 8. This works especially well if your buying multiple of an item or you see a scratch or dent on an item or even if an item is on clearance since they are most likely trying to get rid of it already! Greet the other caller as you would if you were seeing them in person. Being "on time" is more important in some cultures than others. Learn English Speaking . Lots of guys want to ask for nudes (and many actually do), but it rarely goes well. Another survey found that over half of U.S. workers reported feeling guilty about taking their vacation time—and over 70% said they checked in with work regularly while they were away.. English Time Ask Elo. Share your work. Meet with coworkers with whom you collaborate and discuss how joint or overlapping responsibilities might be handled. NOTE: If you are asking a "yes-no" question, use "if" to connect the introductory phrase with the actual question statement. Experts say you should make the request discreetly because shaming the person could put them on the defensive. A more formal way might be: “Sir, when you have a free few minutes, I’d like to talk to you about ^whatever^ please. Direct questions ask for information immediately without including extra language such as "I wonder" or "Can you tell me.". Discuss ways to divvy up the most popular periods of time for vacations, so relationships with co-workers remain positive, and your boss is spared any complaints. Don't ask for time off during a crisis at work or during a high-volume business cycle. For example, you could say: Steve and Sadie will be here the week I’d like to be away and have offered to handle anything that might come up with my customers. 12. If you want to finally start getting paid what you’re worth, I’ll show you exactly how in my Ultimate Guide to Getting a Raise and Boosting Your Salary. When you start a new job, the initial days are busy. If you know you're going to need time off, giving as much notice as possible will make it easier for your manager to approve it: There may also be company policy guidelines for requesting time off. It may help reduce your frustration if you remind yourself that their heart was in the right place. If you really do need expert advice, send an email to an expert you know of and explain your project and why you need feedback. Join the best learn English community now . So, “do you have a moment?” is a way to respect that person’s time. Avoid stressful times of the day, week, or month. Would you be game for a 15–20 minute phone call next week? You most likely won't be paid for the days you take off if you don't have vacation leave to cover them, but your manager may be agreeable to letting you miss work. There are three types of questions in English: direct, indirect, and question tags. Planning well for your absence and making sure everything is covered will make it easier to get time off next time around. Also, ensure you do it professionally as explained above. An email to your manager should suffice, with a copy to anyone else at the organization who should be aware of the request. Take another look at the previous tips, and review this guide to how to ask for time off at a new job before you talk to your boss. Kenneth Beare is an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and course developer with over three decades of teaching experience. I promise to keep it brief. For example, you called a person on the phone, or you went to your co-workers office to visit them, and “do you have a moment?” is a way to ask if the other person has time to talk with you, if they are available and not busy. They still have time to pay you within the timeframe you have set. Don’t make the mistake of saying “I want” when you ask people for things in English. However, when you do ask for a raise, you need to carefully choose your timing. Timing is everything. You Can Apply for a Stress Leave of Absence, legally obligated to provide time off from work for family leave, negotiate it as part of the compensation package, US Workers Could Forfeit a Record Number of Vacation Days This Year, Average Vacation Time: Definition and U.S. How Much Vacation Time and Pay Do Employees Get? I wonder ______ you like chocolate or not. Saying "May I have" instead of "Can I have" is preferred in the U.S. That’s because there are loads of different ways to tell the time (and ask for the time) in English. Be sure to follow the rules, if there is a system in place. Subject + Helping verb + Objects + , + Opposite Helping Verb + Subject? Introductory phrase + question word (or "if") + positive sentence. 11. Otherwise, use a question word "where, when, why, or how" to connect the two phrases. To learn more about how to ask polite questions, and use each form correctly, check out the overview below. Yes, there are situations in which a few days here or there really won’t matter. If you do not know the person, introduce yourself as you would if you were meeting the person for the first time in person. That's especially important if you're requesting time off around the holidays, which is a peak time for vacation. As an employee, you may be aware of the company’s financial health. How do you politely tell someone to be on time? Make sure you put your request in writing, so there is documentation when the time comes around to take the time off. The conclusion is polite and lets them know that you’d love to work more with them in the future. Whether you are placing a call or receiving a call, be sure to greet the other person politely. You may want to schedule a brief meeting to discuss your request, if you work in a more formal workplace. Introductory Phrase + Question Word/"If"/"Whether" + Subject + Helping Verb + Main Verb? It is always safe to arrive at the exact time that you’re expected, or even slightly early. Excuses You Can Use to Take Time Off for a Job Interview, Stressed Out at Work? Consider asking for a day off during a time that’s good for your manager. Direct and indirect questions are used to ask for information you do not know, while question tags are generally used to clarify or confirm the information you think you know. Ask for More Time the Right Way: Express your thanks for the offer. 3. Each of these three question types can be used politely, but certain indirect forms are more formal and polite than other types of questions. Ask yourself these questions as you’re identifying the right time to ask for a raise: How is the financial health of the company? ______ me, what time does the train leave? If possible, ask for time off after the successful completion of a project or event. I would love to ask you a few questions about how you financed your first film. How do I politely ask someone to wear a mask? Depending on the intonation of the voice, they are used to verify information that we think is correct or to ask for more information. Organizations are not legally required to provide vacation, paid or unpaid, for employees. However, companies that are covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act are legally obligated to provide time off from work for family leave. Should you be in a high-risk situation, this is the only time you should personally ask someone in public to wear a face-mask, Dr. Barringer explains. Once you get the commitment, then you can work out the time and date in the third and subsequent emails. If the voice goes up at the end of the sentence, the person is asking for more information. U.S. Department of Labor. “Average Vacation Time: Definition and U.S. Averages.” Accessed Nov. 25, 2020. How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English. Book a lesson with your UK English tutor Elo Kasia now from $5 per hour. Schedule your time in advance whenever possible. Direct questions place the helping verb before the subject of the question: (Question word) + Helping Verb + Subject + Verb + Objects ? Plan your requests for time off when your boss will be most receptive. Indirect questions always begin with an introductory phrase and unlike direct questions, they do not invert the subject. It’s amazing what just asking can do. If you need more than a few days off owing to illness, injury, or family issues, consider asking for a leave of absence or family and medical leave. Others provide a certain number of weeks, which can vary based on years of service. Requests for time off should be just that—a request, and not a demand. How to tell the time in English The basics. Avoid stressful times of the day, week, or month. Be friendly. Don’t ask at a peak time. In both countries, questions with "can" are made more polite by using "could:". It is usually used with "I," and sometimes "we.". Not just the ones we learned back in Elementary. It’s tougher to get paid vacation right away, but even if you’ve just started a new job you may be able to get a few days off. Like if you miss a deadline required for funding. Don’t make plans before you receive permission. One form to avoid when asking for things is the imperative form. 4. This makes you look rude, and they will be less likely to want to help you! But then you ask someone what the time is in English. Question tags turn statements into questions. If you work in a casual setting, you can just ask your boss or email your request. Then, ask the hiring manager about a deadline for accepting. Here's how to handle it without being creepy. Thank you.”. Some employers have a system where vacation is accrued based on time worked. The boss has a million things on her mind. For example: In informal situations, one could use the word "can" in a direct sentence. Why?Not a priority. My schedule is wide open all day Thursday and Friday if you have availability then. Provide context for your request. How to Ask Direct Questions Politely in English. Direct and indirect questions are used to ask for information you do not know, while question tags are generally used to clarify or confirm the information you think you know. If your boss is as busy and preoccupied as most, you’ll probably most effectively do this by writing an email. 5. The first part uses the subject followed by a helping verb as used in direct questions ("Has she"). Direct questions are either yes/no questions such as "Are you married?" Use it or lose it. The truth is that some people show their love through physical gifts. So how do you politely request no Christmas gifts this year ... Be prepared for this to happen: You may ask, and they may still send gifts. Avoid stating your vacation plans as a done deal prior to getting approval from your supervisors. It can be hard to ask for time off from your job, even when you’re entitled to vacation leave. Polite requests and questions | Spoken English . Do you know how long Mark _____ been working for that company? What Is a Use-It-or-Lose-It Employee Vacation Policy? In the United Kingdom, the word is not frowned upon. Having a yearly plan can help ensure that you utilize your allotted time and integrate vacation into your project planning. You may even want to ask if they know anyone with the time and expertise who can help you if they can't. Thanks!”. It's never a good idea to leave your colleagues with a ton of work because you weren't up to date with it when you left. In these instances, reaching out with a si… That may make it tougher to get time off, especially if you ask at the last moment. Letting your employer know that you need to use a certain amount of vacation time or stand to lose it per company policy can help smooth the way to approval. Ask for the payment simply and be straightforward. 3. Excuse me, do you know _____ the next show begins. “US Workers Could Forfeit a Record Number of Vacation Days This Year.” Accessed Nov. 25, 2020. "Would" can also be used to make questions more polite: Another way of making direct questions more polite is to add "please" at the end of the question. direct, indirect, or question tag). You can still ask politely for a payment. You are busy and expect to be able to help them quite soon. CNBC. To progress, we need honest, candid feedback from the boss. Help plan the workflow. This script also uses the exclamation point very strategically. But what if you’re a new hire? Each of these three question types can be used politely, but certain indirect forms are more formal and polite than other types of questions. And you don’t have to make it sound like it’s just about you when you ask for someone’s time. The most crucial step when you ask for vacation time off is, well, actually asking for vacation time off. ", Don't say, "I’ve booked a trip to Cancun for the last week in June and need to take vacation days. Phrase 4 is especially useful in customer service situations where you want to ask a customer to wait for a few minutes. Present a plan for how your responsibilities might be handled in your absence. In short, taking vacation may be the best thing you ever do for your career … or for your employer’s bottom line. If you’re not sure what vacation time you're entitled to, check with your employee manual, manager, or Human Resources department. Request time off in writing. Indirect questions request the same information as direct questions, but they are considered more formal. Alison Doyle is the job search expert for The Balance Careers, and one of the industry's most highly-regarded job search and career experts. Next, provide a missing word to fill in the gap to complete the question. Tell them you have included the invoice as part of the email and how you want to be paid. Steer away from peak times when your supervisor needs all-hands-on-deck to meet demand or adhere to a deadline. I'd appreciate being able to take a week's vacation during my children's spring break. If you’re eligible for paid vacation, you may have to wait until after you’ve been on the job for a certain length of time to be eligible to use it. The second part uses the opposite form of the helping verb followed by the same subject ("Hasn't she"). For example, if you come up to someone and ask: There is nothing wrong with asking questions in this manner, but to sound more polite, it's very common to add "excuse me" or "pardon me" at the beginning of a question. OK. Let’s start with the basics. For example, some companies provide paid vacation after a year, while others offer time off you can take immediately. So, have a positive tone and do not show signs of pressure. If the voice drops, someone is confirming information that is known. In the United States, "can" is considered to be incorrect for written English in particular because, in the past, it was not a word used when asking for something. Do You Get Paid Extra for Working on a Holiday? “Vacation Can Make You More Productive—Just Ask the Europeans.” Accessed Nov. 25, 2020. Phrase 5 is really saying how busy you are but at the same time you are asking people to wait. Discuss your request at an appropriate time. Regardless of the circumstances, don't be afraid to ask for time off. As usual, you can insert meaningless hedge words like might to soften the question, and you can make it more polite by using less direct language such as could you instead of will. “Family and Medical Leave (FMLA).” Accessed Nov. 25, 2020. Plan the best time to ask your boss. How to Ask Politely. I basically always use some form of the following email when I ask for time off. We can understand question tags as having two parts separated by a comma. Studies show that time off from work boosts productivity and creativity, as well as improving mental and physical health.. I have a friend ask all the time no matter what store and most of the time she gets a discount! ". Make sure your bosses don't get any complaints while you are gone. But one of the parents usually arrives at 5:45 and not only that, she sticks around and plays with her kid for like 15-30 more minutes at the day home. Knowing how to politely ask for an update is an essential part of effective business communication. 6. And remember that you can always try again next year! Depends on your familiarity with them, but I like “hey ^boss’ name^, when you have a free few minutes, I’d like to talk to you about ^whatever^ please. Timing is everything. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience and for our, Basic Conversations for English Language Learners, English as a Second Language (ESL) Expert, Key Words That Make Direct Questions More Polite, Asking Indirect Questions to Be Especially Polite, Workplace Communication Skills for ESL Learners, Rhetorical Questions for English Learners, Ask Questions in English Class to Help You Learn, Phrases for Performing Well in Business Meetings, ESL: How to Ask for, Grant and Refuse Permission, Giving and Requesting Personal Information, Check Your Knowledge: Basic English Questions, Check Your Knowledge: Introductions and Greetings, Check Your Knowledge: "How Much" and "How Many", Check Your Knowledge: Eating at a Restaurant, Check Your Knowledge: Going to the Doctor, M.A., Music Performance, Cologne University of Music, B.A., Vocal Performance, Eastman School of Music. When you're first learning English, it's good to study different ways to ask or talk about the time. How to Request (and Get) Time Off From Work. Instead, here are some better, more polite ways to ask for things. They may think they’ll get to it later, but later often never comes.Takes too much effort. As long as you are able to achieve this politely, it will not negatively affect your relationship. And you have no idea what he said. The second example clarifies the subject matter at hand and the fact that you just want to do a brief phone call. Plan the best time to ask your boss. If you need to, put in some extra hours leading up to your time off to make sure your area of responsibility is under control. Phrases 1, 2, and 3 are quite informal but polite in tone. First, identify which type of question is asked (i.e. “Vacation Pay State Laws Chart: Overview.” Accessed Nov. 25, 2020. Especially in this case, it’s important to make sure your work is under control and well managed at the time of your request. Do you think that would be workable? Wherever you are, time will always be a big part of your life. These strategies can help allay your guilt—and make it more likely that your manager will approve your request. Everyone has different personal and family obligations, so it may be easy to work out a schedule where everyone gets the time off they'd like. Please should not appear at the beginning of the question: "May" is used as a formal means to ask for permission and is very polite. They won't attend this class, _____ they? The worst thing you can do is to accept and then change your mind. Averages, Vacation Can Make You More Productive—Just Ask the Europeans. share. To recap, here’s how to ask for time off: Send a vacation request email weeks in advance. You do want to touch on why you think you’ve earned a raise — i.e., that your responsibilities and/or the level of your contributions has increased — but you don’t need to walk in with a PowerPoint and pages of notes. “Leaving Work Behind.” Accessed Nov. 25, 2020. How Do You Politely Ask For An Update? 1. or information questions such as "Where do you live?" Are you reluctant to ask for time off from work? If your company doesn’t offer vacation pay as a benefit, or if you have used all your paid vacation, you can still ask for time off. They still have time to pay you within the timeframe you have included the invoice as part your! Weeks, which can vary based on years of service, '' etc learn more about to. Publishes English teaching materials with the time to ask for a raise your bosses do n't want ask! And physical health. word `` can you tell me. `` the Europeans. ” Accessed Nov. 25,.. Tell them you have a moment? ” is a Way to that... 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