Any later and your digestive system is starting to slow down. This is the only drink we can consume at unlimited amounts, which doesn’t come with a warning label. Dehydration deducts energy and can lead to various problems like fatigue, unconsciousness, heart palpitations or a state of confusion. (source). Turn off all the lights, pull down the blackout blinds and slide on your blue light blocking glasses. Can you pop outside for a few minutes if it’s safe and well lit? Check out our video review here. It affects not only our mood and productivity around work, but also impacts how we communicate and function out of a work uniform. These longer naps have been proven to give you an even bigger energy boost, but most night shift workers cannot function without mistakes when waiting for this “grogginess” to settle. Is your room too bright? Most people take a huge dose of coffee at the start of their shift in order to jump-start their day. Sleep is totally underestimated and something I particularly never appreciated enough when I started working night shift as a nurse. Again, set an alarm for yourself and do something different. How to Survive on No Sleep: The Do’s and Don’ts ... All of us experience a night of poor sleep sooner or later. So this could be 5pm-3am, 6p-4am, 9p-7a, or a true 7p-7a. It’s called a coffee nap and we go into just what it is here. The loo will be a necessity within no time at all! There are certain things you can do to help you survive the night: 1. I know these drinks are a super popular choice for night shift workers, but recent research from The American Heart Association concluded that, “drinking 32 ounces of an energy drink in a short timespan may increase blood pressure and the risk of electrical disturbances in the heart.” (source). This is just another good reason to drink gradually throughout the night and not all in one go. Many of them work night shifts. No matter how many hours you’re logging per week, you’ll feel better about a long shift if you know you’re getting things done. If you’re intrigued, this trick should only be used if you still have 6+ hours of your shift to go to not impact your sleep when home. Avoid caffeine at least four hours before bedtime. We don’t want these hormones to kick in just yet because we are working and need to be productive. Let me know in the comments below. Night shift workers are confusing this fine-tuned routine, so we need to keep the lights on to trick the melatonin into thinking it’s day time. All rights reserved. Circadian rhythms run in 24-hour cycles and are significantly influenced by the natural light and dark cycles. Below is a video of Sam Wood, my favorite personal trainer showing you a few exercises you could easily do in the office when your feeling tired. To make this easy, we recommend the BEAST tumbler. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Is Surviving Night Shift with a Morning Beer a Good Idea? Recovering from a single on-call night or several night shifts can be grueling, as medical residents often only have a half day — at best a weekend — to do it. 10 high-paying jobs that will survive … Over time these employees may develop shift work disorder , a condition characterized by insomnia symptoms when they attempt to sleep and excessive tiredness while they are at work. It’s time to force yourself to eat even a small meal which is naturally full of melatonin, the sleep hormone we spoke about earlier to prevent waking up hungry. Advice for Getting Through the Night. Required fields are marked *. Get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep within a 24-hour period and impress upon family and friends the importance of your uninterrupted sleep. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. Our digestive system takes a different, slower role overnight (but this varies depending on the cycle of sleep you’re in). Night shifts are typically quieter and slower than daytime shifts when it comes to workload. Here are 8 which we consistently use and rely on. If this is your last shift in a block of night shifts, remember that the more days in a row that you have been working through the night, the more sleep debt you will likely have accrued. I think our health is too important to mess around with so instead we suggest you switch to other means to give you that spurt. ), Dark chocolate (look for types over 70% cocoa), Check the first aid supply kit and make sure the equipment has not expired, For the nurses, check the blood sugar and ketone machines, Make a list of the stock that needs ordering, Walk the stairs instead of taking the lift if you need to deliver a message or equipment to somebody. The bottom line regarding lights and night shift…Despite being dark outside, turn on the lights over your direct workspace or work area and leave them on throughout the entire night. Once my final night shift of the week is done, I come home and conk out for three hours, and then immediately transition to my other full-time job: being a mommy. Individuals need to work through the night for numerous reasons. Then after these jobs are done and dusted, keep yourself busy by: We have an entire list of things you can do when you’re bored on night shift. Plenty of nurses work the night shift and love it so much, they have no plans of ever going back to days. Finding ways to cope can be the difference between living a healthy existence and being subjected to the many health and safety risks that are elevated during night shifts. Check out our favorite sleep masks here and other sleep aids we cannot live without while working the night shift. These are the glasses we mean here (which we wear every night). Â. This is obviously work place-dependent as you need a shower and towels but having a cold shower can really work to boost your energy levels if the facilities are available. Your email address will not be published. Method 1: Stay up really late (at least 3am – 6am) the night before (calling/Skyping mates in different timezones or a TV marathon can help) then sleep for the majority of the day before your first nightshift. Wear an eye mask, listen to relaxing sleep music (we talk more about it here) and even use a weighted blanket to make this sleep happen. Optimize your work and sleep schedule It can help to transition slowly from day shift to night shift. I recommend enjoying a few cups of coffee between waking up in the afternoon and midnight. This fact alone makes it rare and we recommend boosting your intake if you currently don’t drink much water. link to How to Best Prepare for Night Shift the Day Before, link to Shift Work and Family. by Ian Samuels. I know that’s not very helpful, especially if you have trouble sleeping during the day. If you run out of candy, the blood sugar crash on top of sleep debt is really miserable. I understand the challenges of fitting in exercise, maintaining relationships and getting enough quality sleep, but I'm excited to show you that it’s possible to do shift work and still thrive. This approach sounds awful I know, but this hack to staying awake on night shift can work a treat. However, if your car is in a safe location close to your workplace, this could be a great comfortable option.